Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lowest Price P.S. I Love You

SPOILER WARNING: Do not read this review if you don't want to be spoiled!

I just got finished watching this movie that I just rented here on Amazon. Gerard Butler is one of my favorite actors of all time. Actually because of The Phantom of the Opera, he is my favorite actor of all time. This was one of very few of his that I never seen before so I had to see it.

This film is a very, very sad film and it made me cry actually. The very beginning of the film, you see that Gerard Butler has died and I couldn't believe how quick it was into the film. Not even ten minutes and he's gone. I really loved how it showed her grief for him and you could tell how much she really loved him. He obviously really loved her too to go through the act of having her mother send her all the letters from him which you don't learn it's from her until the end of the film. I loved all the flashbacks and I really started to cry from that moment when she returns from Ireland and go to her mother and cries and they go to the park and she gets the last letter and has Connick Jr. read aloud the last letter. What's written in the last letter is so sad and emotional.

To be honest, I never knew before I saw this film that Gerard dies in the beginning. I never knew the plot and obviously never read the book. So I was really expecting a romantic comedy and thought they would be together in the end. But I was wrong and even though it's not what I expected, the fact that this film was able to move me, make me cry and I could relate to how she was in the grieving sense, I highly recommend at least a rental. It's very emotional and sad. I really enjoyed it. And Ireland's scenery is gorgeous!Get more detail about P.S. I Love You.

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