Sunday, July 18, 2010

Save Universal Soldier: Regeneration


The 5th film in the series and yes that is correct it is the 5th film thus far about every one's favorite non human fighter. And with it being the 5th it is also the 5th film with lead character Luc Deveraux but only the third with Van Damme in the role. Now there has been plenty of mix up since the first film. Parts 2 and 3 were direct to video sequals that followed what happened in the first film. Then came 4 which brought back Van Damme so it ignored the previous two and followed off after the first film. Then comes this one here which I believe ignores the previous 3 and follows on after the first. It would be confusing but I consider all of them apart of the series so what ever, this is the 5th.

Now the big deal with this one was that not only was Van Damme returning but so was Dolph Lundgren, so we can see these two go at it once again. But on top of that MMA stars Mike Pyle and former UFC Heavyweight Champ Andrei Arlovski were set to star as well. So naturally with all of that tapped to be in the film you know I was excited to see this. In fact right here in Austin TX before the film was released on DVD there was a special screening of the film in October of last year.

This film is about a group of terrorists who kidnap a Prime Minister's kids and then demand that their fellow terrorists are released from jail. A time limit is set and they will kill the kids and blow up a Nuclear Power Plant, of course you know what that can do. Add in that they have the next level of Universal Soldier at their disposal since trader scientist Dr. Colin has created the NGU. The NGU stands for Next-Generation UniSol and he is one bad dude. So naturally all plans are set into motion and they even bring back the original UniSol Luc Deveraux who is trying to work his way into normal society.

Now of course some where in there Andrew Scott is brought back via a clone and is upgraded of course. So the big show does are expected and of course you will eventually get them. I must say that the best thing about this film is just that, the action and the fights. Naturally with Van Damme and Dolph back and Mixed Martial Artists Arlovski and Pyle you know this one is good. There is plenty of gun fire in this film but it is the hand to hand that I really enjoy, especially between Van Damme and Dolph. They all do a great job when they lock horns in this one. But the story between Luc and Scott is just to good and adds to the emotion. Also I must say that the two do a good job in this one as far as acting, Van Damme seems to be channeling his performance from "JCVD" while Dolph just seems cold and emotionless just like the character calls for. The scene were he is going to kill the kids is great, his emotionless confused face is great.

Now with that said I must say that Andrei Arlovski really has another career he could go into because he did an excellent job in this film. Seriously he may be the best MMA turned actor I have seen, he actually is the star of the film and does a wonderful job. Same can be said for Mike Pyle who surprised me and it seems he may be back for the next film. Kerry Shale is great as the mad scientist that creates the NGU and gives maybe the best performance of the film. To be honest even with this being a B action film it really may be the best of all the sequals. It may also be considered a really good film, I think so.

Written by Victor Ostrovsky and directed by John Hyams it was obvious that they went into this wanting to make a really good movie. John of course is the wonderful filmmaker behind the excellent documentaries on Mixed Martial Artists Renzo Gracie [Fight Day] and Mark Kerr [The Smashing Machine], I recommend both highly. I believe it was those documentaries that not only lead to the casting of Arlovski and Pyle but the understanding of how to make the fights look real. Along with his father Peter who shot this film [and was also the director on Van Damme's "Time Cop" and "Sudden Death" films] they made the film feel real and gritty. In fact in some ways this may be better than the first film. To be honest the writing on this film was great and went beyond the standard b action sub par script, real dialogue.

Honestly I do recommend this film and not only for a rental I am a proud owner of this film. Of course I am a huge MMA fan and that has a lot to do with it and am also a fan of Van Damme but it is still a really good movie. If you do get the chance to see this film I a sure you will enjoy it. This film as a very good script, good cinematography, good direction, and some good performances, I was surprised by how good it was. Maybe going in with low expectations helped but it really is a good film. I say give it a try.

There are some great special features like behind the scenes and a great commentary.
Get more detail about Universal Soldier: Regeneration.

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