Sunday, July 25, 2010

Vows This instant

I love the dollhouse and can't wait to see this season premiere episode. That said...

Why pay money when hu lu dot com has the episode for free, released at the same time as it is on amazon? I'm just curious why anyone would just throw money away like that. hu lu has what a total of maybe 3 minutes of commercials per hour of content? So by this logic, you are being paid 1 dollar per minute of commercial watching, that's 60 an hour to get up and get some scooby snacks and not listen to the commercial. So if it's that bothersome, conversely, you can pay 1 dollar per minute to NOT watch commercials by paying the 3 dollars per 60 min of content on amazon. You get to make the choice, but it's a pretty easy choice for me! I'm not trying to hurt amazon on demand but c'mon lets get real about charging nearly the same as a movie for tv- sounds like a business model is really screwed up.Get more detail about Vows.

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