Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sorority Row Best Quality

Sassy, bitchy, scary and good-looking--Sorority Row more than pleased me since I wasn't expecting much. And when I read that this was yet another remake of an older fright flick, I was ready to destroy it.

Surprisingly, it proved to be lots of fun and the string of murders were amazing. What I liked in particular, besides the really excellent performance of the whole cast, was the terrific musical score b Ken Seng. The pounding music worked perfectly the hidden violence that explodes when you don't exp3ect it.

Director Stewart Hendler moved things along smoothly and never let things lag. As an old timer, I just wonder if college is as wild as depicted in the movie since my glory day back in the early 60s were still in the Pat Boone and Doris Day style of living.Get more detail about Sorority Row.

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