Sunday, July 4, 2010

Crazy Heart Right now

Bad Blake (Jeff Bridges) is a sick, old, bum of a country singer whose better days are long gone. Reduced to one-nighters in bowling alleys, he stumbles through his shows in a drunken haze, but still knows how to please the groupies. On one stopover, he meets Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a young reporter and single mother. Though she's been sorely disappointed by men before, the two begin an unlikely love affair.

I was prepared to dislike this movie because I don't like has-been slacker characters. Bridges' Bad Blake is indeed an aimless loser, but it's impossible not to see his underlying humanity and vulnerability and I liked and cared about him. Bridges is completely believable as a singer and musician, looking and sounding very much like Kris Kristopherson on a bad day; he performs effortlessly and with the assurance of a pro. He is ably supported by the wonderful Ms Gyllenhaal who plays a sadder but wiser young woman and the always great Robert Duvall in a small but meaty role.

This movie is ultimately about redemption and would make good viewing at an AA meeting. The stellar cast and fine script make for a rewarding viewing experience.Get more detail about Crazy Heart.

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