Saturday, July 17, 2010

Order District 9

'District 9' is one of those movies that blindsided me - I had heard a little about it before seeing it, but few specifics. I was excited and hopeful, usually signs that I'm about to be disappointed. Not only did the film not disappoint, it went well beyond any expectations I had of it.

In terms of story, it's a film where very little is as it initially seems. You are presented with a deceptively simple scenario - a large alien craft has sort of broken down over Johannesburg, South Africa. The aliens within, numbering over one million, had to be rescued and brought to Earth, kept in a separate zone of the city (where the film gets its name). Their technology was advanced but only usable by the aliens. All this you learn in the first five or ten minutes, and the rest of the story develops from there at a breakneck pace.

The first impressions of characters you meet early on shift and pull back, revealing hidden facets and surprising twists. Initially weak people end up showing surprising strength, and people who seem initially unimportant become very important indeed. Pay attention to the details as you watch 'District 9' - it's well worth it, and almost a necessity to catch the subtle hints of character and depth as they develop. It quickly becomes clear that there is something not quite right in District 9, and whether that is coming from the aliens, the humans, or both is what is revealed, with deliberate and calculated pacing.

Stylistically, 'District 9' is just as impressive. The initial scenes are done in a broadcast news format to bring you up to speed with the story so far, and while the news team goes away relatively early, the style stays the same. The whole movie feels a little like a documentary shot on-location, in the moment, which results in a very genuine feeling overall. The effects are impressive and well-integrated into each scene, so much so that it becomes hard to tell what is effects and what is part of the scene. And after a while you just don't care, because the story grabs you and doesn't let go.

'District 9' is one pleasant surprise after another. Simply put, it's science fiction as it should be - an exciting story, believable characters, and a real personality. It avoids the grandiose and exaggerated and explores its ideas and themes in a very personal way. 'What if this were to happen?' it seems to ask...and the answer is frightening, hopeful, and enlightening all at the same time.

All this in less than two hours? Yeah, I was pretty blown away too.Get more detail about District 9.

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