Monday, June 7, 2010

High Life Decide Now

There are bank heist movies in which everything is meticulously planned. They have a detailed blueprint of the bank which they pore over. There's a steely-eyed safe cracker with a satchel full of sophisticated equipment. They rehearse the heist using a carefully constructed scale model. They synchronize their watches when the caper begins.

Well, that's not "High Life." This film has a lame-brained scheme involving ATM's. Hasty planning done in a morphine-induced haze. Three members of the four-man crew desperately need a shave, shower, and fumigation. The other guy is clean, too clean. (You'll have to suffer through it if you want to find out what that means.)

The film spends a lot of time pointlessly recreating 1983. There's a sickening mixture of slapstick humor and heartless violence. I wasted my time watching this. I'll give it two stars out of respect for the cast, which I feel did its best with what was some very poor material.
Get more detail about High Life.

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