Monday, June 14, 2010

Purchase 27 Dresses

I'm a sap for romantic comedies. They're like junk food: predictable but satisfying as long as you don't expect too much from them. And I don't, so I'm rarely disappointed. But this movie is an un-engaging borefest. Anyone who says otherwise is a terrible, terrible person who likely eats babies, so don't believe them. The characters were, in a word, dull. You never really feel the love, or the anger, or the cheesy humor that in turns marks every romantic comedy. I didn't laugh once. Even the typical climax with the protagonist rushing to find the lover and declare her true feelings ... even this most reliable Romantic Comedy plot device fell flat. Do yourself a favor by skipping this movie and watching, or re-watching, Bridget Jones' Diaries. Bridge Jones would never hurt us. She cares for us and wants us to laugh. Unlike this mean, ugly, poopy movie monster with its horrid boringness.Get more detail about 27 Dresses.

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