Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Buying The Vicious Kind

Basically a four-person film: Disgruntled underachieving older Brother. Wide-eyed college student younger brother and girlfriend. Obnoxious Father. Sound dramatic material with solid performances all-around this is a film that among other things will have you revising your notion of 'brotherly love'. Adam Scott as the alienated older brother is absolutely on fire--I haven't seen a seething with sarcasm 'angry young man' done this well since "Look back in Anger" or "Naked". One only regrets that most of the venom is wasted on displaced woman-hating when there is a whole worthy wasteland to consider.

I didn't like the ending, and some of the scenes requiring physical agility don't come off so well but it hardly matters with such a powerful lead performance--the best young male lead I've seen since Ryan Gosling in "Half-Nelson".

Get more detail about The Vicious Kind.

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