Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chaos Theory Review

It's not exactly North by Northwest, but this is a solid, fun film. Unlike most romantic comedies, the writing is actually pretty good. There were a bunch of really clever lines, and no real groaners that I can think of.

Two things bothered me about it. It really celebrates the concept of heterosexual marriage and monogamy as the way to go. It doesn't really question any of that. Lots of people are happy not being married, or being non-monogamous, and certainly not everyone is straight. So it's a little bit of a bummer, Yet-Another-Movie-About-Straight-White-People-Getting-Married-And-Being-Monogamous. Like we really need another one of those.

And also, somewhat it sets up the wife as the villain for a lot of the movie, which is another sad trope. Poor-Perfect-Man-With-Overreactive-Wife is a little played out as a movie theme.

Other than those two things, I enjoyed it quite a bit though.Get more detail about Chaos Theory.

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