Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jennifer's Body Review

What a great way to get rid of an un-wanted house guest. Keep a copy of this film close at hand, and when you have had just about all you can take, put this film into your dvd player and hit the play button.
If they haven't high-tailed it out your door within 15 minutes, pray for a visit from Freddy.Get more detail about Jennifer's Body.

Eve's Beach Fantasy Top Quality

If not quite porn is your cup of tea, then this movie is for youGet more detail about Eve's Beach Fantasy.

The Bourne Supremacy This instant

This one has everything, starting with a knockout performance from Matt Damon in what may become his signature role. A superior action-movie sequel in every sense of the word.Get more detail about The Bourne Supremacy.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Immediately

Originally I purchased a box set from Ebay- When I got it, we realized it was actually for BluRay which we dont have. I couldnt find the exact box set for the price I paid before anywhere. This was the closest I could get to being able to have all the movies my daughter wanted for her birthday. She watches these all the time!!Get more detail about Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Juno Best Quality

but I imagine it is a bit more emotional than how it was portrayed. That aside I felt it was a great movie and quite funny. I've heard a lot of people say the dialogue is too "hipster" but I'm not sure what that means. I found it easy enough to follow and nothing struck me as that unusual in her music references either. When I was in highschool we frequently would reference older bands as she does. One of the major criticisms of this movie seems to be that it is contrived but I disagree. I find those pregnant teen movies where the girl is taken advantage of acts helpless to be somewhat annoying. Juno acts like a real person which is something movies don't get right enough for young women.Get more detail about Juno.

The Wizard of Oz Get it now!

I highly recommend this blu-ray version be added to your collection. The amount of extras is greatly overwhelming and the transfer looks amazing!Get more detail about The Wizard of Oz.

Slammin' Salmon Buy Now

THE SLAMMIN' SALMON is my first Broken Lizard film, but it won't be my last.....considering the fact that it went straight-to-video, my expectations were low, but I was pleasantly surprised by how funny a film it was.

THE SLAMMIN' SALMON is the name of a trendy seafood restaurant owned by World Champion Boxer "Slammin" Cleon Salmon, and when he loses a bet he made with a Yakuzu Boss while they were "Japanese Albino Hunting", he needs to make a quick twenty grand, so he initiates a contest for the wait staff: Whoever makes the most money that night gets $10,000.00....the loser gets a "Broken Rib Sandwich".

Although everyone in the ensemble cast acquits themselves nicely, Michael Clarke Duncan steals every scene he's in. Someone needs to cast him in more comedies, because he definitely has some great chops. While it's not gut-bustingly funny, the film has more than it's share of laughs. The DVD also has two commentary tracks by members of Broken Lizard, the theatrical trailer, and a short featurette where the troupe talks about their own experiences working in reataurants.Get more detail about Slammin' Salmon.

The Bourne Identity Order Now

I recently purchased 'The Bourne Identity' on HD DVD from This was my first purchase from Amazon, and I am thouroughly impressed. The item arrived at my house within a couple of days. I bought this item to finish off my Jason Bourne collection on the HD DVD format. Since the HD DVD format is dead, you can pick most HD DVD's up pretty cheap. This purchas was $0.01, plus the $5 or so shipping cost. I highly recommend this seller!Get more detail about The Bourne Identity.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Bourne Ultimatum Decide Now

....I want another one.
(Sigh) I can see why they want to end the series after this one but darn it...I really like this series.
I can't believe it took me all these years to finally get around to watching all three Bourne movies but I'm glad I did.

So....the good?

Same as the other two.
Everything about part one and two is back and bigger and better than ever for the finale.
As far as the action/spy genre goes, movies just don't get any better than this.
Good acting.
Good directing.
Lots of twists and turns.
Great pacing.

I have zero complaints about the way this franchise ends.
The ending itself was perfect.
.......I like Matt Damon... :)
Come back Jason, we miss you......
So many boring movies out there, we need more Bourne.
The Bourne Ultimatum comes.....
Highly Recommended.Get more detail about The Bourne Ultimatum.

The Big Lebowski Right now

This is unquestionably one of my top 3 movies of all time, absolutely hilarious. John Goodman really makes this movie great in my opinion. Who would have thought a story about a guy and his rug could be so awesome? I am not a big fan of widescreen, but this movie is worth getting on Special Edition DVD. I HIGHLY recommend this movie, The Coen brothers always have made excellent movies! This one though, is their best.
Get more detail about The Big Lebowski.

Lowest Price Gamer

With that phrase,so ends John Tilman's nightmare for him and the family that gave him the courage he needed to survive the "game".And what a trip/game it was to get from A to B in this film.A non stop action flick from beginning to end,Gamer(released Sept/09)comes from the same imaginative team that gave us the high adrenaline Crank films,Brian Taylor and Mark Neveldine;and there is no lack of that heart-fueling adrenaline in this flick either.
The story involves one John Tilman(aka Kable)who is the current rage in a game called Slayers.The game is real as are the players within the game.Each player has a real person controlling them from afar and John's happens to be a 17 year gaming whiz named Simon(Logan Lehrman).Through the immersing technology on hand Simon literally sees and hears everything John hears as he takes his "player"(John)through an intense fire-fight course from grisly beginning to bloody end.After surviving 30 games John will be allowed to leave the game and Simon has taken John,unprecedentedly,almost all the way through.
The creator of this gaming world,Ken Castle(Michael Hall),was also the creator of another wildly popular interactive game,the Sims-like Society.However Castle's dreams are over exceeding his grasp as his real motives lie in trying to control the rest of society.He hopes to be able to inject his brain controlling nanobots into millions of people thereby controlling everyone.But a rebel group called Humanz is out to stop Castle's grasp of power.They contact Simon and give him a mod that enables Simon to actually talk with John during game play.Inevitably this leads to John finally breaking out of the game during what was to be his last fight and tracking down his family.With the help of the people in Humanz he is able to get he and his wife's independence back and which leads to the inevitable showdown with the person who has his only daughter;Castle himself.Things are nip and tuck but Tilman in the end,with a little help from the remaining elements of Humanz,defeats Castle and brings down his dynasty.
This is a look at todays gaming world flung into the future and brought to a higher,more violent,more interactive and a more highly intense experience;assisted ably through its' great plot,SFX,editing and non stop action.The writing and directing team of Taylor and Neveldine have created a wonderful Sci Fi winner of a concept and they never let the action or your interest wane for more than a few seconds,if ever.I found myself riveted to the action/plot throughout and that's something that few movies can accomplish these days.Also what can't be stated enough is the absolutely fantastic look and feel of this film,all done through the actual camera itself.I first heard of this relatively new camera system called "Red" back in early 2007 and this is the first mainstream film I have actually seen it used in and it is awesome,to say the least.The look is a combination of alot of things but sepia tones and alot of saturated pastels dominate throughout.The camera shots,twists and turns are done at break neck speeds as the creators strive to give we the viewer a more movie-immersing experience.And it works,all of it works as this is a film,I for one,will definitely watch more than a few times to try to catch something I missed from the previous viewing.Finally I must also give a nod to the films lead actor Gerard Butler whose intensity throughout really enhances the entire proceedings.
On the technical side of things the film is clear and crisp and beautifully transferred to DVD with its widescreen format in tact and the sound fantastic.The extras include audio commentary,three 30 minute featurettes on the making of the film,likewise a featurette on the RED camera system used and the trailer.
All in all one of the better Sci-Fi films I have seen in recent times.Its Sci-Fi premise alone will certainly be a drawing card to all the fans of that genre but throw in the gaming world angle as well and well,there's a much wider audience right there.I recommend the movie highly;the game is on!Get more detail about Gamer.

Low Price The Men Who Stare at Goats

Just read the title for my review. That pretty much sums it up. I don't even think this movie was in the theaters for long. They showed this movie as being funny. I barely cracked a smile while watching it.Get more detail about The Men Who Stare at Goats.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Save Private Lives of Pippa Lee

Judging purely from the pedigree of the cast of The Private Lives of Pippa Lee, you know you should have a superior film on your hands. And you do; it fits somewhere in the mid-upper echelons of quiet, unassuming films about the tumultuous life of an individual who undergoes one transformation after another as they attempt to find the joy those they once looked up to never could. Through it all Pippa strays from the social norms into a part of herself that she ultimately tries to redeem by living the fabled normal life; eventually she realizes you can't redeem past decisions, you just keep making new ones.

Present-day Pippa (Robin Wright Penn) has found her way to where she is via the typically unique methods that life has of driving us to be who we are. No two people experience the same sequence of events, but Pippa's might rank among the more unusual. As a free-spirited youngster she went through a very hedonistic phase involving drug cocktails, suggestive photography, and lavish parties at large estates. The gala that changes her life, however, and leads her to her current predicament, was hosted by her current husband Herb Lee (Alan Arkin), a philanderer and adulterer who takes a shine to her very aloof, and unrestrained tendencies towards love. Simply, he sees her kiss multiple men in the span of a minute and thinks "I want me some of that." Ladies, I apologize if the next sentence seems more driven by testosterone than objectivity, but Herb's flirtations with Pippa (played in her younger years by Blake Lively) seems oddly insane considering his wife is Monica Bellucci. His courting of the significantly younger woman continues unabated and eventually they marry, after a rather sudden departure from Bellucci.

With a love story like this framing Pippa's past, it's not hard to understand why modern Pippa wouldd need to retrace it all as she begins a secretive romance with Chris (Keanu Reeves), a man closer to her age than Herb. Each rendezvous with her younger beau prompts another glimpse into the past where we see the Blake Lively portion of the film unfold. Her discordant relationship with her mother (Maria Bello). An odd though memorable run in with a kinky photographer (Julianne Moore). Each instance helps propel Pippa down the path where she'd feel the need to redeem it all through a normal, stable life with Herb. The relationship of Pippa and Herb, forged out of Herb's desire to feel younger by constantly updating the woman on his arm with the newest generation and Pippa's compulsion to focus all her attention on normalcy, carry them both through a good many years. It's something to cling to, but neither of them really gets what they need. Thus it's no surprise that Herb already has Pippa's replacement (Winona Ryder) lined up, and that Pippa could so easily find someone more suitable to her emotional needs.

With Penn and Arkin it's hard to go wrong. Both are capable of delivering strong performances, and they do so. However, the film's dichotomy in terms of good performances and bad, can be compared to Sony's recent Julie and Julia. On one hand you had Meryl Streep delivering a remarkable show for half the film, but on the other you had Amy Adams playing out Julie's weak narrative. The same is true of Pippa Lee, but with Penn filling in for Streep, and Lively for Adams. Blake Lively isn't a bad actress - much like Amy Adams - the story is just a lot flimsier and much less compelling. You still end up with a great character study told over the span of a lifetime, but one half is clearly greater than the other.

DVD Bonus Features

The extras feel somewhat repetitive with Penn and Rebecca's presence in the audio commentary covering some of the same ground as their interview, also on the disc. Arkin's interview proves why the man is fun to watch on film, and Lively also shows why she's becoming an increasingly sought after screen presence.Get more detail about Private Lives of Pippa Lee.

Discount Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I was hoping to get an actual box perhaps I didn't read it right or something, but overall movies are good and great quality.Get more detail about Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Cheapest The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

Twelve DVD discs present the extended directors cut of the Lord of the Rings along with extensive appendices that explain the story much more completely than the conventional DVD and Blu-Ray releases. It is a must-have collection for avid fans.Get more detail about The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring.

Cheap The Karate Kid

Thank you so much for a smooth transaction. The DVD's were in excellent condition.Get more detail about The Karate Kid.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Buying Adventures of Robin Hood

Yes folks, as you know, this film is in 4:3. You wouldn't think that an acknowledged classic would look at good on Blu as this does but even the "restored" version does not have the luster that the BD has. The color values are simply outstanding and does justice to the expense of Technicolor in 1937-1938. Yes, this is the romanticized version of the hooded bandit of Sherwood and the Middle Ages portrayed here aren't dirty, harsh, and vicious as they really were. Just accept that this movie is FUN, filled with detail, and even for the two "hands" (two different Directors) it is as good a romantic tale as is the legend. Considering that the BD version is downright cheap and it's a quality print, even if you have the restored version, indulge yourself and see this in all the glory I can imagine those in 1938 saw.Get more detail about Adventures of Robin Hood.

Buy Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

It's the fourth year for Hogwarts, Harry Potter (Daniel Redcliffe) with Heromine Granger (Emma Watson) and Ron Weasley (Rupert Grin) just saw the Quittich World Cup Finale tornument during their summer vacation until Lord Voldermort's Death Eaters trashes the place and giving a warning to the wizards and witches of the magic world. As Harry goes back to school, an upcoming TriWizard tornument is at hand soon for three schools of wizardary known as Hogwart's, Beauabatons and Durmstrang but only people who are 17 can join the tornument. A magical object called The Goblet of Fire choses who can be in the competetion as Harry has been chosen luckily to be the youngest member of the TriWizard tornument, with the help of not-so-trust worthy Professor Moody (Brendan Gleeson) with fellow student Cedric (Robert Pattison) to do 4 important task in order to become part of the match especially if he has to battle Voldermort (Ralph Fiennes).

Co-starring Miranda Richardson, Michael Gambon, Gary Oldman, Maggie Smith, Warwick Davis, Robbie Coltrane, Katie Leung, Jason Issacs, and Tom Felton this is another outstanding installment of the Harry Potter fantasy epic saga. Sure it takes some liberties from the book as it's not as good but still great in it's own right, the acting is very improved here from the cast and here you can see Voldermort finally show up which was teased in Sorcerer's Stone. Here it gets more complex yet full of mystery and suprises galore, the special effects are very improved as well making them more belivable and there's darkness abound in this sequel. It's also about becoming mature and learning of themselves even if they have to face their own fears like Harry for instance, it's a another winner.

This Blu-Ray offers the movie in sharp and perfect theatrical quality picture and wonderful sound with extras like deleted and extended scenes, featurettes, interviews, games and trailer.
Get more detail about Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Purchase The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

Twelve DVD discs present the extended directors cut of the Lord of the Rings along with extensive appendices that explain the story much more completely than the conventional DVD and Blu-Ray releases. It is a must-have collection for avid fans.Get more detail about The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring.

Order Leap Year

(Spoiler) I rented this from bc i normally agree with reviewers here. Not this time...This was a common and terribly written seen it a hundred times attempt at a love story. I am a sucker for those love stories where you know the couple will probably get together at the end. But, it has to be written in such a way where you actually care. I could have just as easily seen this couple ending up being friends and the woman ending up with her original boyfriend. It really absolutley made no difference. And it really wasnt the actors they did fine with the material that they had there was just no substance. Nothing to make you want the couple together or the other couple apart. The only good thing were the beautiful scenes of Ireland.Get more detail about Leap Year.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Where To Buy Star Trek (2009)

I received this item from Amazon on May 20, today is May 24, I tried to use the digital code to download the movie to my iPhone it didn't work. I received an error stating code was already used. How is that possible if I just opened it. Buyer BEWARE, now I have to wait 48hrs to MAYBE get a code I already PAID FOR or possible pay for it again. I HOPE AMAZON RECTIFIES THIS, SO I CAN EDIT THIS POST, BECAUSE I DO LIKE AMAZON, BUT REALLY 24-48 HRS THAT IS RIDICULOUS. I HOPE I DIDN'T WASTE MONEY.Get more detail about Star Trek (2009).

Shop For Once

I was familiar with the music of Glen Hansard before (with The Frames) and could largely take it or leave it, but the film is outstanding-- it's so true, raw, and pure in its storytelling, avoiding the classic American boy-meets-girl cliches (y'know, because it's not an American film).
Irglova is the definition of adorability, and Hansard's new material (and reworked Frames material) is so soulful and heartfelt, I had to rethink my prior opinions.
It's just a really great film that does not come along too often (no, I'm not going to say something like "once in a lifetime").

Get more detail about Once.

The Descent

Very suspenseful and scary gem of a horror movie. The tension just keeps growing until you can't take it anymore. The creatures are simple but effective especially in the right light. Can't wait to see what the director does next. Ignore the awful sequel.Get more detail about The Descent.

Resident Evil: Extinction Review

I bought this set to replace my DVD set. I actually like my DVD's better. The Blu-ray's picture doesn't look any better to me. Also my DVD's sound better. If you have these on DVD just keep what you got!Get more detail about Resident Evil: Extinction.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

300 Top Quality

This movie was very well done as far as the CGI and the green screening goes. but I had to give is a three star simply because of the shallow story line and the unnecessary graphic sex which didn't add anything to the story it just gave us guys another thing to watch. But like I said, the graphics are amazing and the epic war sequences are untouchable, just be ready for graphic violence and carnage throughout. I guess if I had to sum up this movie in one word, it would be "Graphic". Not that thats a bad thing, just be ready for it and you may want to see it before you have a family movie night with it. Hope this helps!Get more detail about 300.

Secretary This instant

Gylenhall & Spader are perfect. One of the very few films made in USA that does sex without falseness or self-consciousness.Get more detail about Secretary.

The Hangover Immediately

OK, it's all been done before, but not with the brilliant inclusion of Zach Galafianakis. Director Todd Phillips put together this somewhat simple film about a bunch of regular guys on a Bachelor Party trip to Vegas, but to add Zach to the mix, everything goes hilariously wrong, but in a more original way than most films about idiot behavior. Cooper, Bartha and Helms are adults with their own very different agendae; add future brother-in-law Zach, a slightly socio-impaired individual, and insanity ensues. There's no end of fun, and Heather Graham is there in a delightful performance, quite lovable. I enjoyed this film a lot. The DVD had no extras, and that was a REAL bummer.Script was quite fine, and the woman who played Helms' fiancée was the perfect bitch. Worth watching!Get more detail about The Hangover.

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Best Quality

Twelve DVD discs present the extended directors cut of the Lord of the Rings along with extensive appendices that explain the story much more completely than the conventional DVD and Blu-Ray releases. It is a must-have collection for avid fans.Get more detail about Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Robots Get it now!

We use our xbox as our dvd player. I guess because they added an extra feature to the dvd (an xbox game), it won't play the actual dvd on the xbox. Haven't ever had this problem with a dvd. Should be a warning or disclosure.Get more detail about Robots.

Paranormal Activity Buy Now








Get more detail about Paranormal Activity.

A Good Year Order Now

My wife saw this movie on cable a couple years ago and managed to tape it. She loves it and has been watching it over and over again even though it was a very poor copy so I decided to get her the DVD version. She loves the music and the scenes of the French countryside and the storyline. I've watched it with her and I have to agree.Get more detail about A Good Year.

Post Grad Decide Now

I thought it was a good movie and I enjoyed watching it. You would definitely like it if you are a recent college grad and had trouble getting a job - at least I think you would.Get more detail about Post Grad.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pilot Right now

This show has to be one of the best i have ever seen, it never give up the story line. Every episode is unique and they all come together in the end with a unexpected result (according to season 1).Great acting and very thought out , out of the box story.


HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.Get more detail about Pilot.

Lowest Price Farscape: Peacekeeper War

I'm so pleased they put out a miniseries to wrap up this brilliant show...and Peacekeeper Wars does the job very well indeed. I loved the little tweeks they made to the appearance of the characters and was happy with the resolution of the story. It's more than a movie too, which is nice. Also appreciated the extra disk of background interviews etcGet more detail about Farscape: Peacekeeper War.

Low Price Take Off To Pattaya

It's just a movie about three women in scantily clad clothing - it's not even a movie. Plus it's not even a documentary about Thailand.Get more detail about Take Off To Pattaya.

Save The September Issue

The success of television shows devoted to fashion and of websites that follow the runways is ample proof that when it comes to our appetite for fashion, more is more. The handicap that this documentary faces is that we think we know more than we do. Take Anna Wintour, who was so memorably caricatured by Meryl Streep in "The Devil Wears Prada." Anyone would probably pale in comparison to a fictionalized representation of herself by Meryl Streep, so if Wintour emerges from this film as less interesting than you had assumed, it's not her fault.

It may be the fault of the director, however. Surely the world that Ms. Wintour orchestrates is a complicated place, and everyone on screen agrees that Wintour's influence is far-reaching. But no one, least of all the director, seems to be able to say precisely why. Instead, R.J. Cutler's direction gives us redundant shots of Wintour at runway shows or studios (always with dark glasses, which begs the question of whether she can actually see what she is supposed to evaluate) or of her capriciously nixing shots that her staff has spent many hours - and even more dollars - to create. There are a few scenes where we think we will get a glimpse of her fabled powerbrokering (a meeting with the head of Neiman Marcus, for instance), but even then we see few specifics. At times Wintour speaks directly to the camera, revealing, among other things, her siblings' dismissal of what she does professionally, but these moments don't cast her in a particularly sympathetic light. Even her daughter says on screen that she cannot take the industry seriously, and nothing about what Wintour says or is shown to do makes a compelling case for why her daughter - or we - should think otherwise. The film takes as a given the premise that fashion is important and that Wintour is its most important person. Lovers of fashion will go along with the premise, but even they might be troubled that time and again people in the film - Wintour included - betray a fear that fashion is viewed only as a guilty pleasure for stupid people. Wintour's decision to begin putting celebrities on the cover of Vogue is mentioned as a concrete example of her genius (she understood early where our fixation with celebrity in this country was headed), but even that "achievement" is undercut in the film by the sad photoshoot of Sienna Miller.

Ironically, the real heroine of this documentary's story is someone who at first glance does not embody high fashion: Grace Coddington. Ms. Coddington is Vogue's creative director, and her wrinkled face, frizzy hair, and plain black clothing belie her importance in a world that is celebrated for being skin-deep. Through the story Cutler shows us, however, Coddington is revealed as the long-standing source of the magazine's best material. She works tirelessly at the photo shoots she oversees, explaining to those around her the choices behind the textures of the fabrics or the concept of the lighting. Her visions are cohesive and gorgeous, but most importantly, they are intelligently articulated. Under Cutler's direction, the camera lingers over Coddington's tired face and the beautiful images of fashion that she creates, letting us see a highly creative mind at work. That she puts such thought into photographs that are so often blithely thrown out by Wintour (without good explanation as to why, at least on screen) makes her all the more sympathetic. Cutler, perhaps unknowingly, sets her up as everything that Wintour is not, and the comparison is not kind to Wintour. Where Coddington explains her vision and justifies her artistic choices, Wintour simply pronounces her final judgements. Coddington is kind to the models, bringing them treats and asking whether their outfits are too tight, while Wintour jokes about people's weight and demands that fat be photoshopped (even on non-models). Coddington seems to care deeply about the clothing and its details, especially at the couture shoots in France, whereas Wintour often just looks bored. Cutler peels away at the many levels of Coddington, letting the viewer know only gradually that she herself was once a model on the pages of Vogue, and that she suffered a disfiguring accident that required facial plastic surgery. Her story is far more interesting than Wintour's, but that's probably because it is told better.

Ultimately it is Grace Coddington who emerges in this film as the "author" of Vogue, the creator of the very things that readers love most. The "inside" look at Anna Wintour and her control of the magazine sticks to the surface of its supposed primary subjects, and while a focus on the surface of things may be fine for the business of fashion, it won't do for documentary filmmaking. Where the film does triumph, however, is its showcasing of Coddington, who quietly, stubbornly, and convincingly makes the case for fashion as art.
Get more detail about The September Issue.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Discount Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

The movie is GREAT. My complaint and reason for the one star is that it eems Sony got a bit sneaky with this one. They list a digital copy as part of the set. I paid more for this set expecting to get the digital copy. There is one problem... the digital copy only works with a Sony Playstation 3. It does say this on the back jacket of the disc set. However, when I ordered it off of Amazon, I had no idea until I opened the package. I won't be buying another Sony disc with the promise of a digital copy.Get more detail about Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

Cheapest The Devil Wears Prada

Well, I'm all over the map about this movie, I really am, finding something to agree with in almost every review here, including the least positive.

The positives are these: I adore the look and pace of the film, the to-die-for clothes of course, and the performances (first and foremost) of the great Streep as the towering, terrifying Miranda, the winning Hathaway as the perpetually harassed Andrea, the dependable Tucci as Miranda's long-suffering, witty-wise second-in-command Nigel, and the wonderful Emily Blunt as the bitchy, put-upon first assistant...uh, Emily. All of them--especially Streep, Tucci and Blunt--bring both bite and (mostly hidden) heart to what could have been a collective phone-in of annoying caricatures. And though we really only get glimpses of him here and there, I also enjoyed Rich Sommers's endearing turn as the sweetest of Andy's circle, Doug.

I am seriously ambivalent however, about what the message of this movie is supposed to be, especially to women, and the alarm bells really go off when--SPOILER ALERT--Andy reconciles with her sulky boyfriend, Nate, telling him he was "right about everything."

What? What exactly was he so "right" about??

I don't know about you, but I found Nate, the boyfriend character, absolutely insufferable through almost the whole of the movie. I'm pretty sure he was supposed to be the voice of reason that tries hard to keep Andy grounded and remind her what's truly important, but he came off instead as a sulky brat who could not accept his girlfriend's growing pains as she labored to cope with an impossibly demanding, first ever grown-up job that nothing in her easy-going schoolgirl existence had prepared her for. Were there no demands being placed on him in HIS choice of career? Was his job supposed to be the more important one?

Ditto Andy's best friend, Lily, who seemed to me increasingly more jealous of Andy rather than supportive of her; Lily too was pursuing Bright Lights-Big City dreams that demanded a lot from a young newcomer, after all, so how is it that she had such a hard time with Andrea's chaotic ups and downs? Where did Lily get off being so judgmental and disapproving? This is friendship? I watch these performances and can't decide whether actors Adrian Grenier and Tracie Thoms made poor choices in their playing of difficult characters, or if the characters as written were simply impossible to like. Either way, both were a whiny pain, especially Nate, and Andy's mea culpas to him near the film's conclusion were tough to take.

No one disputes that Miranda Priestley was a Boss From Hell who routinely wiped her feet on her young assistants, particularly Andrea, but we also see that ultimately Miranda was as human as anyone else, a glamorous workhorse whose alley-fighter smarts hid real pain, and it should be said that Andy--who was in the beginning quite smug in her disdain of all the fashionista "shallowness" that surrounded her--had a knocking down or two coming. (I loved the way Nigel simultaneously comforted and took Andy to task after an especially bad morning.) If Miranda put Andy through the wringer--and she did--well, she also taught her some important things (sometimes unwittingly) about hard work, hanging tough, and the choices we make in life to get to where we want to go (or need to stay). Andy could have quit at the end of her first week (I think I would have), but no matter how bad or insanely silly things got, she didn't, at least not immediately. On some level she became aware that she was getting an education she wouldn't get anywhere else from anyone else, and there was value in that. I think she knew that; I hope she knew that. I hope the audience does, too.

Get more detail about The Devil Wears Prada.

Cheap The Notebook

This is one of the most gorgeouse romantic stories ever! Great for couples to watch, something for every one here!! And the actors had such great perfect. Makes me cry every time I watch.Get more detail about The Notebook.

Buying Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

I'm completely biased, I love Harry Potter, but to have 1-4 and a disc of special features is really nice- especially since they're packed in slim cases and don't take up a ton of shelf space.Get more detail about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Buy The Incredible Hulk

First off I hated the first Hulk movie... I can't tell you why it's been so long but I HATED it! I like how they focused more on Dr. Banner's struggle with his condition and constantly being hunted by the ARMY with a few good Hulk scenes thrown in as opposed to a 2 hour CGI explosion free-for-all. I also liked how they slipped Lou Farringo in and supposedly he voiced the actual Hulk in his scenes.

No complaints at all about the Blu-Ray disc... plays fine in my el cheapo blu-ray player which does not support firmware updates.Get more detail about The Incredible Hulk.

Purchase Alice in Wasteland

I will admit I only watched HALF of this horrid movie before putting it in my "try to get rid of "file. I gave it the good old College try and struggled to finish watching it to the end but after two tries I had to give up before I lost all of my interest to buy another DVD. The acting was undoubtedly the worst I have ever seen outside a grammar school graduation play. I am so depressed, and I use to like watching some of these B-movies.Get more detail about Alice in Wasteland.

Order The Godfather (The Coppola Restoration)

The only problem with this collection is that its viewers grow to love and admire characters who are doomed to hellfire, if such punishment exists for those who cause suffering to others. And these gangsters create abominable suffering on a large scale. Too often we are shown the personal lives and feelings and families of the men who commit atrocities, and we recognize qualities which are sympathetic, even sadmirable. Make no mistake, however. The aforementioned being the case this collection contains, perhaps, the greates movie ever made(I), another movie of incredible magnitude(II), and a third which is very good. Already a classic, the collection will be viewed like people read Shakespeare - seemingly forever.Get more detail about The Godfather (The Coppola Restoration).

Where To Buy Stargate: Children of the Gods

This movie is a remake of the original 2 hour pilot which I knew that before I bought it. I am a big SG-1 fan and wanted to add this to my collection. It had scenes that were originally cut from the show(most for good reason) but they removed a scene or two for every one they added. I think it is shorter then the original too. It is worth seeing for the additional footage but not for the $20 I paid for it. If you can get it cheap, then pick it up but don't expect a great show.Get more detail about Stargate: Children of the Gods.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Shop For Tetro

Beautifully photographed film, in lovely black and white (with a handful of color flashbacks). The Buenos Aires setting provides a kind of Paris in the 1950s milieu, and heightens the distancing required for this story about an estranged son to really work. Vincent Gallo inhabits the title role given him by writer-director Coppola. Maribel VerdĂș is quite nice as his girlfriend, and so is the rest of the cast including the young Alden Ehrenreich and the terrific Klaus Maria Brandauer in a key cameo role.

Maybe this is not supposed to be a problem, but it's hardly difficult for a reasonably attentive viewer to guess this "family secret" long before the two hours that Coppola takes to reveal it - and to hope that it's surely something less predictable. One can also question the sudden fame that a cultural critic named "Alone" is able to bestow on a playwright with virtually no previous career. Even Francis had to turn in a monumental work, "The Godfather," before achieving his own "instant fame."

For me, the story of the film wants to be an opera, with all the stops pulled out. Let every member of the cast sing their hearts out about the anguish, desires, loves, hopes, and fears that drive them. The play "Fausta," which we see part of in this film, with an actor in drag playing a female Mephistopheles, comes close to capturing the creative energy that such a project would unleash. On film, which gives us beautiful surfaces to look at instead, the passions that lie at the heart and soul of the story seem remote and stifled. Recommended for Vincent Gallo fans and film historians with an interest in Coppola's oeuvre.

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It's Complicated

"It's Complicated '; is a gut buster of a film. I laughed so hard it brought tears to my eyes. My husband laughed and he thought it was the funniest film since "The Jerk". We both thought this one is a keeper because it puts people our age in situations that can we could relate to. It is not meant to be thought provoking only entertainment. You dealing with a single, divorce Mom with adult children getting married. This bring her in contact with her ex-husband and let the games begin folks. Have fun watch this hilarious film.Get more detail about It's Complicated.

Adam Review

I was excited about Adam because I thought that it would be a new take on the old formulaic plot of boy gets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. Nope. Same formula, different characters. Adam, the main character, has Asperger's Syndrome which causes him to make inappropriate statements and seem self-absorbed. When a woman named Beth moves into the apartment below his, she is suddenly taken with his awkwardness and finds his quirks endearing. The couple go through their ups and downs, as most romantic comedy couples do, until their relationship breaks due to scandal in Beth's family and Adam's inability to be supportive. Though the interactions between Beth and Adam can be adorable at times, they do not seem to have the spark that I had hoped for. In addition, the ending did not seem to fit with the development of the characters which left me feeling dissatisfied. I would have to say that the saving point of the movie is Peter Gallagher who plays Beth's aristocratic (and shady) father. Yet, when a movie's saving grace is Peter have to be suspicious. Overall, it was a dud.
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Barbie Mermaidia Top Quality

My daughter is a HUGE fan! We have Barbie EVERYTHING & make a point to get all of the movies for her! =~)Get more detail about Barbie Mermaidia.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Stargate This instant

I saw the movie years ago and enjoyed it. Now with the DVD I enjoyed it again. Interesting storyline.Get more detail about Stargate.

Games Girls Play Immediately

I ordered this product from a company 90 miles away thinking it would arrive the next day. However, the bulk mailing system they used sent it to a major hub and it took 7 days for it to arrive. Always believe the lead times published by the shippers.Get more detail about Games Girls Play.