Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Purchase Capitalism: A Love Story

I appreciated the extras on this DVD - there was nearly another film's worth of material with all the extra interviews with people that appeared relatively briefly in the main film. Keep in mind, the interviews are about as slanted as the main film content, but it's still nice to be able to hear people talk at length on their subject of interest instead of being limited to 30 seconds here or there.

I approached this film with an open mind. The further I went into this film, the more disinterested I got because it was just one accusation formed on opinion after another without any solid evidence presented to prove the previous accusation (your employer wants you to die). At the end, I felt the movie had made you muddle through all those theories and left you floating midair in the middle of nowhere without any valid facts to anchor you down. Not exactly my cup of tea, but entertaining in its own way to see people's viewpoints, agendas, etc.

Basically the film is to capitalize on the anger people feel towards the bank bailouts of 2009 and presents you with reasons various corporations blow. I wouldn't really blame capitalism itself, however, on all that is wrong with the system. Capitalism can be what the people make of it, but a few (well, more than a few) corrupt individuals does not capitalism make.

This is a good film to give you somewhere to focus your anger at corporations, but I recommend you take it all in with a grain of salt.Get more detail about Capitalism: A Love Story.

Order Doctor Zhivago

Wow, amazing picture in HD of this classic epic movie by David Lean.

The Blu-Ray Book Edition is wonderful made and contains also a 8 track CD. The Blu-Ray is Codefree and contains a german soundtrack


Der Film ist für den Blu-Ray release wunderschoen restauriert und er hat nie besser auf einem käuflichen Medium ausgesehen.

Im Gegensatz zur deutschen Blu-Release ist diese Edition in einer Book-Edition erschienen sowie mit einer CD mit 8 Tracks.

Die Blu-Ray ist Codefrei und enthält deutschen Soundtrack und deutsche Untertitel.

Get more detail about Doctor Zhivago.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Where To Buy Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

Since its about an hour or so, the characters aren't too developed. The story line seems rushed. It also seems to have been simplified to appeal to a broader range of audience, for newbies to kids. You are better off purchasing the Justice League Complete Series DVD.Get more detail about Superman/Batman: Public Enemies.

Shop For George Romero's Diary of the Dead

Seems to me that once a masterpiece is done, the responsable for it is condemned by the purists to keep doing exactly the same work over and over again, just to please them.
If Diary of the Dead was Romero's first zombie movie, it would be considered one of the most astonishing of the decade.

Films like these were meant for fun, and the director was surely able to keep the funny stuff on a high gear after all these years throwing different elements on a similar basis.

The storyline is striking. It follows a group of students trying to go home after the sudden rise of the living dead. You won't care about them, because they're annoying as they can be. So, when they start to get munched away, all you got to do is sit back and enjoy the graphic violence.

The plot development runs faster as a speeding bullet, and you'll never get bored.
One of the aspects I like the most about his films is the atmosphere of impending horror. Since the first frame you feel that there's no way out, even for the good guys.

The gore scenes are spectacularly made and the direction is impeccable, as always.

Romero is back to what he does best.
Great movie.
Get more detail about George Romero's Diary of the Dead.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Network (Sidney Lumet, 1976)

For the first hour or so of Network, I didn't really understand what all the fuss was about. Yes, Lumet and Chayefsky have turned out to be prophetic, and that may explain the movie's continuing status, but not the contemporary praise (it was nominated for ten Oscars, and won four). The first hour is a decent movie, watchable if slow. But then, somehow, Lumet gets under your skin, and the more things go over the top, the more believable they become. It's a tricky line to walk, but Lumet (who was coming off the equally absurd, and even better, Dog Day Afternoon) does it with aplomb. The movie has flaws, no doubt about it, but Lumet takes the stew he's cooked up in the first hour and dishes it up rather nicely.

The center of the story is Howard Beale (Peter Finch, awarded the first posthumous Oscar in history for Best Actor here), an old anchorman who's about to be pulled off the air for bad ratings. The movie opens with him announcing that he's going to kill himself on the air the next evening to get some ratings. Max Schumacher (William Holden), his handler, is partially responsible; the two had held a booze-fueled session the night before when the idea was kicked around. I guess Max didn't figure Howard was taking him seriously. In any case, Max now has to run interference between Howard and Max's own boss, Frank Hackett (Robert Duvall), who wants to can the entire news crowd; the whole department is bleeding money. Enter Diana Christensen (Faye Dunaway), a dramatic-series type who thinks she's got the solution both to Howard's insanity and Frank's problems with the ratings; she turns the nightly news show into a spectacle, with Howard as its centerpiece, billing him as the Mad Genius and letting him rant in front of a live studio audience. Meanwhile, she's put in charge of the news department, and when Diana starts an affair with Max, the whole thing has the feeling of a consolation prize. While we're at it, you can add in a whole slew of cameos (Ned Beatty famously said "never turn down a role; I worked one day on Network and got an Oscar nomination for it!" Indeed).

The part of this that works the best is the relationship between Max and Diana, with added bits of Max's wife (Beatrice Straight, who won an Oscar as well) as she finds out about the relationship and gives a stirring speech about how she's not going to give her husband up without a fight. (It might have worked better delivered to Diana, certainly, but it works well enough as is to have gotten her the gold). Once we get into the Mad Genius bit, that part of the story also really takes off, but it fragments soon after as we start to see some of Diana's other projects (it all ties in later, but feels almost like an afterthought). Still, it's fun, and watched today, almost eerie in its accuracy. Also worth noting for an early, uncredited performance by Lance Henriksen and the first (also uncredited) screen appearance of Tim Robbins. ***
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School of Rock Review

I usually only review items I've purchased at Amazon...But this movie is too cool NOT to review!(I do own the DVD...and, by the way, GREAT extra features...informative and fun!). Comedies are so profoundly overlooked by "The Academy"...and that's a shame. I'm not a huge Jack Black fan...but man, if he wasn't nominated for best actor here, he was robbed! Maybe I love this movie so much 'cause I'm a teacher (I've been a High School SUBSTITUTE-teacher, I've worked at a Montessori School, and I am now a Community College Math teacher)...and my name's Jack!...and I like all kinds of music, including ROCK & ROLL! Seriously, though, this movie is tons of fun and laugh-out-loud funny! Nobody, but nobody, could have pulled this off like Jack Black. So authentic, so spirited, and so hysterical. The rest of the cast is also great...especially the kids! And I always enjoy Joan Cusack...she's so quirky and funny in this flick.(Couldn't you see "Best Supporting Actress"?). Now, repeat after me..."I Pledge Allegiance (I Pledge Allegiance) to the BAND!".....Get more detail about School of Rock.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Horsemen Top Quality

I thought most good mainstream actors would stay away from a movie that has no socially redeeming value whatsoever. I never should have watched the whole movie. Showing scenes where people are tortured to death with blood dripping from their bodies can only be enjoyed by the sickest of people.
It really irritates me that I rented it because I thought Quaid was a man wouldn't do trash like this. Aside from the content being obscene the plot is stupid, predictable, and not put together well. The torture scenes deserve an " X " rating and it is difficult to get those horrible images out of my head.Get more detail about Horsemen.

Lust, Caution (NC-17) This instant

The newspaper article in the local paper wrote the actress Tang Wei reportedly was ban in her home Country by Officials. I have not yet viewed DVD but the movie comcept is good based in the War years of WW2.Get more detail about Lust, Caution (NC-17).

Friday, November 26, 2010

In the Cut Immediately

This supposedly unrated Director's cut is not as good as the "R" rated version shown in the movie theaters. Many scenes have been darkened on the DVD release, and parts of the "explicit" scenes have been shortened or cut from the DVD altogether. This DVD version disappoints.Get more detail about In the Cut.

Boys Don't Cry Best Quality

Was told about this movie have never seen it before, Finally watched it, Incredible performance by Hilary Swank. Based on a true story.Get more detail about Boys Don't Cry.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Perfect Getaway (Unrated Director's Cut) Get it now!

I saw the movie in theaters and loved it and it is even better on Blu-ray! The movie is about two killers that are in Hawaii. There are 3 sets of couples and any of them could be the killer. You don't know who the killer is until over half way into the movie, then it has a flashback of everything that happened. It is a little boring until it gets to that part though. Then the movie starts getting a lot of action with twists and turns. The movie looks great on Blu-ray with just a few scenes with grain. The only thing I didn't like was the amount of special features. There is only one and it is an alternate ending. It is a little different than the ending of the movie, but I was hoping for more. All of the deleted scenes are included in the director's cut I guess which is also on this disc. The director's cut offers more backstory and makes the movie ten minutes longer. Overall, I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to watch a thriller.Get more detail about A Perfect Getaway (Unrated Director's Cut).

North By Northwest Buy Now

There aren't words to describe how lovingly this film was transferred to high definition. The visual palette is stunning. Every detail is visible, though not to the detriment of the overall film. Looked like it was filmed in high definition to begin with. Magnificent.Get more detail about North By Northwest.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Into the Wild Order Now

I don't have the slightest idea why Sean Penn would bother making a movie about such a pampered, self-absorbed, wanna-be rebel played by such an apparently pampered, self-absorbed, wanna-be actor. When the ignorant, little jerk finally died all I felt was "good riddance". All due respect to impeccable Hal Holbrook and Kristen Stewart, but this emotionally hollow misadventure belongs in the recycle bin.Get more detail about Into the Wild.

Ever After: A Cinderella Story Decide Now

What girl does not grow up wishing to have a Cinderella ending to her life? This movie is much more than just your average "Cinderella" movie as it captures your inquisitive side and makes you day dream even more about your happy ending. The director did a good job in choosing Drew Barrymore as the leading lady. She does an absolute amazing job in captivating the audience. This movie by far is one of her best performances in my opinion. I recommend you watch this movie to revive your desire for your happily ever after.Get more detail about Ever After: A Cinderella Story.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dumb and Dumber Right now

If you have to be unsophisticated to enjoy this movie, well then call me "unsophisticated" because this movie cracks me up! Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are freakin' hilarious in this movie. I've had people tell me it isn't funny because the guys are dumb. Well no, DUH! That's the whole point of the movie. The characters are absolute idiots who by only "dumb luck", avoid being arrested, killed, beat up, etc. while on a quest to return a briefcase left behind by a gorgeous female passenger in a limousine driven by Jim Carrey.
This movie is funny. If you like movies such as Superbad, Super Troopers, Napoleon Dynamite, Stir Crazy, The Hangover, you'll like this one. And if you haven't seen this movie yet, "Why the heck not?!!".
Get more detail about Dumb and Dumber.

Lowest Price Singin' in the Rain

- Lina Lamont (after being kissed by her leading man in a scene): "Oh, Donny, you couldn't kiss me like that and not mean it just a teensy-weensy bit."
- Don Lockwood: "Meet the greatest actor in the world. I'd rather kiss a tarantula!"
- Lina: "Oh, you don't mean that."
- Don: "I don't... hey, Joe, bring me a tarantula!"

As much as it pains me to admit it - primarily because Fred Astaire is my favorite hoofer - Gene Kelly's SINGIN' IN THE RAIN probably is the finest musical ever put on cinema with, in my opinion, THE WEST SIDE STORY and Astaire's TOP HAT and THE BAND WAGON just coming up short. Set in the early days of Hollywood, just as movies were transitioning from silent to talkies, SINGIN' IN THE RAIN deserves all the good, good rep it's garnered down the decades. It features marvelous dancing and singing and, damn, it's so funny. The sequence featuring a preview showing of THE DUELLING CAVALIER ("100% All Talkie"), as technical difficulties get the better of the poor picture, is hands down one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen - "No! No! No!" "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Not to mention, the sly digs at the film industry are as timely and on-point today as they were back in 1952. SINGIN' IN THE RAIN and, for whatever reason, LES GIRLS, are my two favorite Gene Kelly flicks.

Gene Kelly stars, co-directs, and choreographs. But it's not all about Gene Kelly. Other folks have a hand in. Donald O'Connor matches Kelly tap for tap as the wiseacre sidekick Cosmo Brown and he provides one of the film's best moments in the slapsticky and marvelously physical musical number "Make 'Em Laugh." Debbie Reynolds, perky Miss Burbank of 1948 and still a teenager when this film was made, exudes freshness and a sort of girl-next-door sexy that makes even jumping out of a cake seem wholesome.

Meanwhile, Jean Hagen hijacks scenes and submits possibly the best dumb blonde performance I've ever seen (sorry, Judy Holliday). Hagen is brilliant as self-absorbed silent film siren Lina Lamont whose screechy, nerve-jangling voice doesn't bode well for her next feature picture which is currently being converted into a talking picture. Her adoring fans, of course, had never heard her speak in public before. Lina's constant leading man Don Lockwood (Kelly) despises her and fears that the upcoming talkie - featuring Lina's voice - will sink his career. But then Don's former song-and-dance partner, Cosmo, comes up with a dilly of an idea...

"Dignity, always dignity" is Don Lockwood's response when interviewed about his life. In a gala opening of one of his movies, Don recounts his "dignified" backstory to the adoring public, even as the accompanying flashbacks give the lie to all that dignity. What this sequence accomplishes is to let you in right away that the tone would be very much tongue-in-cheek and breezy and even a tad subversive.

You look at what Kelly and O'Connor do in this movie and you marvel at the athleticism and sheer fitness level mustered up. About this movie I could toss all sorts of superlatives at the wall, and most of them will stick. There's a joyous energy present throughout, and a sense of grace and high-spiritedness and spontaneity. There's the tight and witty screenplay. And for period buffs, the painstaking recreation of time and place. Kelly and the crew worked their tails off to ensure historical authenticity. And if you're a movie buff, this is a homage to the golden age of cinema... and a wicked bursting of bubbles. Old song standards are dusted off and reinterpreted, and I'm particularly digging the exuberance of the musical performances in "Fit as a Fiddle (And Ready for Love)," in O'Connor's dynamic "Make 'Em Laugh" and in "Good Morning" and the title song itself, and the lotsa fun "Moses Supposes" (really the only original song here).

This is the 2-Disc Special Edtion and its loaded bonus features are by themselves worth the money: alternating audio commentary with Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor, Cyd Charisse, Kathleen Freeman, Co-Director Stanley Donen, Screenwriters Betty Comden and Adolph Green, Filmmaker Baz Luhrmann and Author/Film Historian Rudy Behlmer; 2 documentaries: "What A Glorious Feeling" (35 minutes, hosted by Debbie Reynolds as she fondly looks back at the film) and "Musicals Great Musicals: The Arthur Freed Unit at MGM" (a focus on producer/song lyricist Arthur Freed's film works; 86 minutes); excerpts of 12 Arthur Freed/Nacio Herb Brown songs from the originating movies (including Ukelele Ike's rendition of "Singin' in the Rain" from THE HOLLYWOOD REVUE OF 1929); the deleted "You Are My Lucky Star" outtake (4 minutes) as Kathy Selden (Reynolds' character) serenades a billboard of Don Lockwood's; "Scoring Session Music Cues" - original recordings of the songs in the movie, including multiple takes and material either dropped or revised in the final film; a list of the awards the film won; a listing of the film's cast & crew; "Singin' Inspirations" is a pretty awesome option which, if prompted, will play additional hidden footage and feed you more fun facts about the film; "Reel Sound" is a brief text feature which touches on "several major transitional films made as the silent era turned to sound" (mentions THE JAZZ SINGER and THE BROADWAY MELODY); the theatrical trailer; and a Stills Gallery.

To top it all off SINGIN' IN THE RAIN looks visually stunning, being a vibrant technicolor extravaganza from MGM. Or as Kathy Selden describes Don Lockwood in his wardrobe: "You looked so dazzling in your green knickers, yellow sweater, and orange beret." I guess, another way to put it is like this: Dignity, always dignity. What a riot.Get more detail about Singin' in the Rain.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Low Price Star Trek: Nemesis

First things first. I see a lot of reviews here actually seem to be about the movies themselves. This is not the place. For that, go to IMDb. Instead, I'm going to review this product, which is the box set of the first ten Star Trek movies on DVD. Well, I'm also going to review the DVDs themselves collectively, but not as movies.

First impressions: Nice and simple. Basically, they just took all of the special edition DVD releases and packaged them into a paperboard box. The box lists all of the movies on the top and side, a picture of Kirk on the front end, and a picture of Picard on the back end. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (ST:TMP) looks a little out of place in the set; all the rest of the DVD covers have more or less the same design with a brushed-metal background, but ST:TMP is totally different and has a yellow background.

On closer inspection, there are a few issues. Most noticeable is that the individual DVD packaging is rather shoddy. On some cases, the jacket (which holds the cover sleeve in place) is not fully attached and can end up folded back when the case inserted back into the box, probably leading to eventual complete detachment, so that the sleeve might get separated. The casing itself on a couple of cases is poorly fabricated, with numerous extra incompletely cut bits of plastic (especially around the closing snaps), and one case doesn't even join properly at the top when closed. Also, the retaining hubs look flimsy, though they do seem to be easy to use.

Moving on to the discs themselves, my fairly new (good quality) DVD+RW drive has trouble even recognizing most of the discs for some reason; however, after installing an ancient 12-year-old DVD-ROM drive I happen to still have and testing with it, they work just fine. It might be the copy protection, or it might be something with the newer drive, but they're not compatible.

On the plus side, the content is pretty good, technically speaking. The first two movies are Director's Editions, which means they've been recut according to their respective directors' wishes, a definite improvement for ST:TMP, which originally was missing many important special effects. I'm not familiar with the changes in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, but no doubt it was remastered, as the picture looks a lot better than the previous release. The rest of the DVDs are Special Collector's Editions; I don't know what that means, aside from the presence of an audio commentary, a text commentary, and lots of featurettes. But wait--I and II have those too; I guess the only difference is, the rest of the movies are largely unchanged (are they?).

All of the movies include 5.1 sound mixes, preferable IMO to Dolby Surround if you have the equipment. Dolby Surround is available in all cases; I have no idea how faithful it is to the original mixes, though it's important to note that II­-VI were released in 70 mm format with 6-track sound, so 5.1 may be more faithful anyway. Even better, the TNG movies all include DTS mixes, which carry much better dynamic contrast than Dolby Digital; loud sounds actually have punch instead of being merely a little louder (and it's said that DTS is also clearer). Well, that's how it works out on my setup anyway.

Overall, a pretty good box set if you want all ten of these movies together. I would give 5 stars, but I'm taking one off due to all the annoyances mentioned above.Get more detail about Star Trek: Nemesis.

Save Reservoir Dogs

i was pleasantly surprised by this feature film debut of Quentin Tarantino as writer/director.i had heard all the hype of how great it was over the years and was sure i would be disappointed.as it turns out,it was a pretty good film.great dialogue.memorable characters.smooth transitions from one scenes to another.the story was interesting.there's some violence,but bot at all at the level i was expecting.in fact,i had seen a lot worse before than and even directly after,while watching True Romance,coincidentally also written by Tarantino.True romance is much more blood soaked than Reservoir Dogs.however,there is some some very strong language.in conclusion,while i certainly wasn't disappointed in Reservoir Dogs,i wouldn't say it's a great movie.for me,Reservoir Dogs is a 3.5/5Get more detail about Reservoir Dogs.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Discount Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise

I am a fan of Tom Selleck and the "Jesse Stone" series. This dvd arrived sooner than expected and was in #1 condition. I have viewed it and enjoyed it immensely. I will buy more dvd's of this series when they are available.Get more detail about Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise.

Cheapest Kingdom Of Heaven

I am a huge Orlando fan. This story was great. I didn't think I would like it and watched the dvd with my husband reluctantly. We had borrowed it and I lived it soo much I bought the bluray version. This one not only had way better graphics but also included scenes that weren't in the dvd version that really added to the storyline. I loved it!Get more detail about Kingdom Of Heaven.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cheap Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

When I picked up the DVD the entire thing was in nothing but Kazakhstan. I thought maybe the movie was going to need English subtitles but I rented it anyway.

When I watched the movie I laughed so hard I cried! The movie really opens up your eyes with all its hidden messaging about how bad America is when it comes to race. Most of the people Borat came into contact was pretty racist, and I think the director was really trying to show us all how hard America is to others.

I give the movie a 5/5 star rating because of the pure heart and loving personality of Borat. If you decide to watch this movie really take an outside look so you can capture the underlining that the movie is trying tell you. It really opens your eyes but Borat seems to bring you back with a smile.Get more detail about Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.

Buying The Patriot

two aussi lads in a hollywood film about the American indpendence!! says it all really! if you want entertainment spin the toilet roll around and around. the historical account is stupid!Get more detail about The Patriot.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Buy Under Lock and Key

i have not gotten the movie yet.dwight king 10511 bells ferry rd suite 800 canton ga 30114Get more detail about Under Lock and Key.

Purchase Little Miss Sunshine

'Little Miss Sunshine' is an extremely well made film and its just like witnessing a family living right next door to you, and you are even more surprised when you find out how down to earth the charecters in the family are and are so genuine that you may even compare some of them with your close neighbors or people you may or maynot know. Abigail Breslin simply steals the show, she is beyond words! and an extremely flamboyant performence by Steve Carell, Toni Collette and the rest other cast. The film will surely entertain you, carry you along with its emotion. Witness every inch of this unforgettable adventure of a family, you wont be dissapointed.Get more detail about Little Miss Sunshine.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Order Sabrina (1995)

It is not often that a remake of a movie is an improvement over the original but this movie pulls it off with ease! As fond as we are of Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn, and William Holden, the performances by Harrison Ford, Julia Ormond, Greg Kinnear, and Nancy Marchand work together to produce a delightful gem of a movie.

This is one we watch on a regular basis and find each time that we are again delighted by the entire feeling of this movie; the acting, the scenery, and the dialog all work together to produce a captivating experience. All of the supporting roles are well cast and convincing.

I can recommend this movie enthusiastically!Get more detail about Sabrina (1995).

Where To Buy Gente Decente

This movie is excellent, sexy thriller. Though it's a B movie it's fun, keeps you guessing and is sometimes amusing, in that these naughty people get in more trouble the more they try to get out of trouble. I like movies that shows you not just the experience of the main character but also shows you motives, feelings, lusts, joys and problems of all the other characters. Gente Decente starts off with a very hot love scene and continues with a hot scene of a murder. A place everyone unfortunately stumbles into. I'm glad I stumble into watching this movie but I warn you there is nothing decent about it.Get more detail about Gente Decente.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Shop For Mega Piranha

Mega Piranha is a fun, action packed, creature movie, starring Tiffany, Paul Logan, and Barry Williams. It's fun to watch. see it with friends in the room - then hoot at the screen. You will have a great time.Get more detail about Mega Piranha.


The ugly parents are awful. OK, we've seen that before (think Harry Potter and the Dursleys).

The ugly principal is beyond evil - and scary to witness.

The pretty teacher is sweet and kind, but - well - ineffective and helpless. Poor kids.

The teacher tells Matilda a tale of her childhood (TOO MUCH INFORMATION) wherein her mom dies and then her father commits suicide, leaving her an orphan in the care of the evil Aunty Trunchbull. This is where I clicked the movie off and told my 6yr old we're getting rid of this film. "What did he do mama? He killed himself?" Thank you SO much, Danny DeVito, for introducing suicide to the kindergarten set.

Finally, Matilda tells her sweet-but-helpless teacher to "adopt me, Miss Honey!" And voila! just like that, papers are stapled together, parents quickly affix their signatures, and Matilda goes skipping off with her new mother. It takes more than that to adopt a DOG.

Get more detail about Matilda.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Presumed Innocent Review

When it comes to courtroom/legal films, it takes great talent to make a film that is interesting and exciting. The creators of "Presumed Innocent" accomplished this very well.

"Presumed Innocent" is about a prossecutting lawyer (Harrison Ford) who is assinged to a high-profile case innvolving a murder within his office. During the investigation we find out that "Rusty" (Ford) may have some personall connection to the case.

"Presumed Innocent" is a very entertaining film that will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole film. Great Performances by, Harrison Ford and Brian Dennehy.
Get more detail about Presumed Innocent.

The Magnificent Seven Top Quality

I watched this as a promo, so I didn't spend money on it, I probably wouldn't spend money on something like this in the future either, but it's a good show.Get more detail about The Magnificent Seven.

Monday, November 15, 2010

October Sky This instant

This was a wonderful family movie to watch. My four teenagers and my husband and I all sat to watch this and all of us loved it. My 15 year old son builds model rockets as a hobby and really connected with this movie. There was no foul language, no suggestion about anything adult but it did have a theme that a hobby can turn into a positive career choice. It wasn't sappy, just positive. I would highly recommend this film.Get more detail about October Sky.

Rambo First Blood Immediately

Finishing my First Blood part 2 review. I'll never get why this got a whole bunch of Razzie nominations it's not a standard dumb action movie if idoits would understand the story of 1st Blood part 2 it's about the treatment of our soldiers & our Government sitting on there hands & doing nothing about it back in the day. Rambo First Blood part 2 is worthy sequel to First Blood.Get more detail about Rambo First Blood.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Breakfast at Tiffany's Best Quality

This is a great copy of a classic. We were looking for a copy and this one was HD and reasonably priced.Get more detail about Breakfast at Tiffany's.

X-Files Get it now!

The X-Files is a feature film extension of the gasp-inducing television series. Bridged between the fifth and six seasons, the film gives a slightly more piercing analysis of the alien colonization that made the television series so interesting. We join Agent Mulder and Scully in their post-X files assignment in Dallas in which a supposed terrorist bombing is connected with the strange death and disappearance of four victims in a Texas small town. Equipped with the appearances of acting veterans Martin Landau and Blythe Danner, The X Files moves quickly and confirms some of the answers that the previous television seasons created. However, it fails to stand on its own as feature film.

Much of the film feels like an extended television episode or special television film. As a result, if you are not acquainted with the television seasons, some of the characters and plot points will allude you because they have a rich and complex past background to them. Being unacquainted also prevents one from understanding the severity of certain actions or revelations as the investigations of such actions or revelations are found in the series are foreign to those unacquainted.

For those familiar with the series, the problem with the film is that while the film fulfills the genre standard of suspense and intrigue, it does not make a massive difference on the general flow of the series. It verifies the suspicions of Fox Mulder on the issue of a government cover-up of the existence of aliens and exposes the truth of the alien pathogen for the members of Syndicate (a group government conspirators dedicated to concealing the colonist alien plans). However, the film does not take the audience to a point of no return. It seems no "major" impact is made on any of the characters and the much of the events that transpire seem like business as usual.

While the film is successful at certain points such as the dark look, horror-esque feel and moving storyline, it fails to become a long-lasting impact on the series as it only confirms things we were already suspicious of. What is most indicative of the film's lack of an epic progression in the story arc is the fact that there have been more successful episodes in the television series with more important events than this film. That doesn't qualify it as a terrible addition to the X-files franchise but it does make it a disappointment on a number of levels. This film is followed by The X-Files: I Want to Believe, which completely ignores the series alien mythology storyline and makes passive changes during the period between the series finale and the new film to facilitate the film's storyline. It emerges as a decent detective film with paranormal elements but like its predecessor, it comes off a disappointment on a number of levels.Get more detail about X-Files.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

And Then Came Lola Buy Now

I highly recommend this indie film, loved the style, cinematography, pacing and acting was impressive, Ashleigh Sumner is a treasure and I hope to see lots more of her. it's a very clever story and well told by the filmmakers who use great music, fun animation and sharp dialogue. It's not just for the gay crowd so I hope all audiences will get to see it.Get more detail about And Then Came Lola.

Grandma's Boy (Unrated) Order Now

Being in my late 30s at the time when my friend recommended that I watch this movie, I was dead-set against it. I was tired of lowbrow humor. But he not only begged me to watch it, but brought me his copy to view. So after about two weeks of holding it, I decided to give it a try. Boy was I surprised! It is one of the funnier movies that I have seen in the past decade. I have watched it about 20 or so times and had to own it. I own the unrated version, but have yet to watch it. I can only imagine. This movie is not sophomorish or childish but it is definately low-brow (and not ashamed). Great comedic performances by every actor including "Monkey". Everyone that I have told about this movie has loved it and now own it - including the ladies. Great party movie as well.Get more detail about Grandma's Boy (Unrated).

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pilot Decide Now

This show was so bad I couldn't be bothered to sit through my free episode.
The female protagonist is crabby, impulsive woman who seems to feel that she is above laws or protocol.

She and her partner ignore orders from their boss but apparently avoid being fired by holding their cell phones out the window and pretending they can't hear.
They take one witness to the site of the murder of another witness.
All this within the 1st 10 or so minutes of the show.
Maybe it improves, but I doubt it. And I can't be bothered to watch it long enough to find out.Get more detail about Pilot.

Wild Child Right now

The premise of Wild Child is simple. A spoilt dirty-rich American teen is shipped off to an all-girls boarding school in England to try and knock some sense into her. From the word go this film is so clichéd it's a painful viewing.

The film advertises itself as a teen comedy, but is aimed at the Hannah Montana Disney Channel youth of today who can relate to the squealing glittery Emma Roberts on screen. Even the mundanely-dressed schoolgirls are irritating and giggly. The flaw of this film is that it does not appeal to any other age group unlike classic teen comedies such as Mean Girls and Clueless, which can be enjoyed by many. The only people who would be seen dead at this film are eight to twelve year old girls.

Wild Child is a fluffy ball of cringe-fest, predictable and downright annoying, only to be appreciated by pre-teens.Get more detail about Wild Child.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lowest Price Pirate Radio

When I saw this in the theatre, I kind of enjoyed it. I went to Canada to see it, thinking I wouldn't be subjected
to terrible US previews and ads, but if anything, they were worse, and even longer, and it was $11.00CDN. Not a good
time. I'd gone hoping to love the movie(despite many negative reviews of the earlier released UK version, "The Boat
That Rocked". Unfortunately, I didn't love it. I found it hard to even like it, and now, after watching my UK Region
2 DVD, my disappointment in this movie is slipping inexorably towards downright loathing.
The humor makes me think that the film needn't have been retitled, except to add "National Lampoon's" before the title:
it's that sort of sophomoric humor.
It's really a shame, because there's a great nucleus of a cast here: Bill Nighy, Kenneth Branagh, Rhys Ifans, Philip
Seymour Hoffman, and Nick Frost, but when the script basically stinks, what's a cast to do?(Not that I don't like low-
brow humor- I own multiple versions of all the View Askew films, and both Zoolander & Bubble Boy are among my guilty
pleasures, and South Park Studios has a shortcut on my desktop). I've been a Nick Frost fan since I caught "Spaced"
and "Black Books" in the UK, and possibly Frost's cohort Simon Pegg could have added something here. I actually didn't
think of Pegg when I saw this in the theatre, but watching the DVD, Pegg might possibly have added to this film. Bill
Nighy has been one of my faves since Still Crazy, and ditto Kenneth Branagh since Dead Again, but I was actually
embarrassed for them both.
After I first saw "Pirate Radio", I gave it 3 stars. Now, after watching the UK DVD of it, it's sinking slowly in the
West, maybe 2.5.
I'd mercifully forgotten Jack Davenport's Twatt character, but when he was introduced to Ms Clitt(called Miss C in the
credits) that was all she wrote.
That's not the type of humor I'd expect from Richard Curtis, it's more in Mike Myers' "let's hit the viewer over the head
to make sure they get how funny we are" vein.
I couldn't fault the soundtrack: late 60's rock is the soundtrack of my life, but in the case of this film, it may already
be time for a remake.Get more detail about Pirate Radio.

Low Price Breakfast at Tiffany's

This is a great copy of a classic. We were looking for a copy and this one was HD and reasonably priced.Get more detail about Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Save The Final Destination

Well, they managed to sunk this franchise further below (spoilers below).

The thinny (but eventually engaging) premise made this franchise survive more than the only one film that it deserved. After all, it was a clever idea: who can be a stronger vilain than Death itself?

The previous three movies did never bother to even try to explain the following questions:

a) Why the main character has/acquires the premonition power?

b) Why Death goes through all the trouble to plan extremely intricate plots to get his victims after they survive its first plan?

c) Why all the teen characters, when faced with such tremendous odds, appears to have no relatives, parents, friends, contacts, anyone who could help them?

This fourth chapter bothers even less with answering those questions. Also, it's extremely more cruel than the others before: there's not even a hint of hope for the characters to survive (and they don't) And the cast sunk to a new low: performances were uniformly lousy, to a point that you simply don't care. You simply doesn't know nothing about them: if they are students, if they work, whatever.

To make things worse, the writer planned a "twist": after all the struggle fighting Death's inegenious plans, the main characters figures that Death had planned for them to die that wat all along. Naughty Death...

Anyway, this is indeed the worst of the four movies.

But they will make another, be sure of that... At least, they could gather an audience by promising to explain why the premonitions occur...Get more detail about The Final Destination.

Discount The Sting

This was actualy a gift to a family member and she loved it. This is her favorite movie of all times and she really enjoyed the interviews and Special Features. Great purchase!Get more detail about The Sting.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cheapest The Pain in the Heart

This is the last episode of the Gormagon arc from Bones. It's really good, and the download quality is excellent. If you just like to watch an episode here and there and don't want to buy the entire season, this is a good way to go.Get more detail about The Pain in the Heart.

Cheap A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors

best part of this movie is the nurse scence lets face it any male that who doesnt agree is not alive great movie pity about 5 and onwardsGet more detail about A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Buying No Greater Love

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It's very biblical. The characters were believable. Although the situation they were in wouldn't happen very often, the biblical concepts can be put into practice in many different situations, no matter what the relationship.Get more detail about No Greater Love.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Buy Eyes Wide Shut

Kubrick definitely doesn't disappoint in this one. I thought it was better than I expected since I wasn't really sure what to think with that cover and synopsis. All the great cinematography and strange themes you'd expect from Stanley are there. Definitely worth the buy, especially on Blu-ray.Get more detail about Eyes Wide Shut.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Purchase I, Robot

Back in the days of "Fresh Prince" Will Smith was a blast of fresh air in the genre, but in this movie he shows that he is a major talent. This combined with the great FX on the Blu-ray makes this an enjoyable movie.Get more detail about I, Robot.

Order Galaxy Quest

Price was great. Movie is funnier than I remembered. Recommend for people who love Sci Fi and want a good laugh. Great cast.Get more detail about Galaxy Quest.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Where To Buy The Big Lebowski

This is unquestionably one of my top 3 movies of all time, absolutely hilarious. John Goodman really makes this movie great in my opinion. Who would have thought a story about a guy and his rug could be so awesome? I am not a big fan of widescreen, but this movie is worth getting on Special Edition DVD. I HIGHLY recommend this movie, The Coen brothers always have made excellent movies! This one though, is their best.
Get more detail about The Big Lebowski.

Shop For Emanuelle: Queen of the Desert

Please save your money. This DVD is one of the worst tape to DVD transfers I have ever seen. The contrast is bad and there is a yellowish green color cast through the entire movie.

If you buy this to see Laura Gemser, you will be disappointed. She is not in the movie as much as you might think.

Please avoid this poor quality DVD. I would have given it ZERO STARS if Amazon's rating system allowed that.Get more detail about Emanuelle: Queen of the Desert.