Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dumb and Dumber Right now

If you have to be unsophisticated to enjoy this movie, well then call me "unsophisticated" because this movie cracks me up! Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are freakin' hilarious in this movie. I've had people tell me it isn't funny because the guys are dumb. Well no, DUH! That's the whole point of the movie. The characters are absolute idiots who by only "dumb luck", avoid being arrested, killed, beat up, etc. while on a quest to return a briefcase left behind by a gorgeous female passenger in a limousine driven by Jim Carrey.
This movie is funny. If you like movies such as Superbad, Super Troopers, Napoleon Dynamite, Stir Crazy, The Hangover, you'll like this one. And if you haven't seen this movie yet, "Why the heck not?!!".
Get more detail about Dumb and Dumber.

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