Monday, November 22, 2010

Save Reservoir Dogs

i was pleasantly surprised by this feature film debut of Quentin Tarantino as writer/director.i had heard all the hype of how great it was over the years and was sure i would be it turns out,it was a pretty good film.great dialogue.memorable characters.smooth transitions from one scenes to another.the story was interesting.there's some violence,but bot at all at the level i was fact,i had seen a lot worse before than and even directly after,while watching True Romance,coincidentally also written by Tarantino.True romance is much more blood soaked than Reservoir Dogs.however,there is some some very strong conclusion,while i certainly wasn't disappointed in Reservoir Dogs,i wouldn't say it's a great movie.for me,Reservoir Dogs is a 3.5/5Get more detail about Reservoir Dogs.

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