Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Purchase Capitalism: A Love Story

I appreciated the extras on this DVD - there was nearly another film's worth of material with all the extra interviews with people that appeared relatively briefly in the main film. Keep in mind, the interviews are about as slanted as the main film content, but it's still nice to be able to hear people talk at length on their subject of interest instead of being limited to 30 seconds here or there.

I approached this film with an open mind. The further I went into this film, the more disinterested I got because it was just one accusation formed on opinion after another without any solid evidence presented to prove the previous accusation (your employer wants you to die). At the end, I felt the movie had made you muddle through all those theories and left you floating midair in the middle of nowhere without any valid facts to anchor you down. Not exactly my cup of tea, but entertaining in its own way to see people's viewpoints, agendas, etc.

Basically the film is to capitalize on the anger people feel towards the bank bailouts of 2009 and presents you with reasons various corporations blow. I wouldn't really blame capitalism itself, however, on all that is wrong with the system. Capitalism can be what the people make of it, but a few (well, more than a few) corrupt individuals does not capitalism make.

This is a good film to give you somewhere to focus your anger at corporations, but I recommend you take it all in with a grain of salt.Get more detail about Capitalism: A Love Story.

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