Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Save The Final Destination

Well, they managed to sunk this franchise further below (spoilers below).

The thinny (but eventually engaging) premise made this franchise survive more than the only one film that it deserved. After all, it was a clever idea: who can be a stronger vilain than Death itself?

The previous three movies did never bother to even try to explain the following questions:

a) Why the main character has/acquires the premonition power?

b) Why Death goes through all the trouble to plan extremely intricate plots to get his victims after they survive its first plan?

c) Why all the teen characters, when faced with such tremendous odds, appears to have no relatives, parents, friends, contacts, anyone who could help them?

This fourth chapter bothers even less with answering those questions. Also, it's extremely more cruel than the others before: there's not even a hint of hope for the characters to survive (and they don't) And the cast sunk to a new low: performances were uniformly lousy, to a point that you simply don't care. You simply doesn't know nothing about them: if they are students, if they work, whatever.

To make things worse, the writer planned a "twist": after all the struggle fighting Death's inegenious plans, the main characters figures that Death had planned for them to die that wat all along. Naughty Death...

Anyway, this is indeed the worst of the four movies.

But they will make another, be sure of that... At least, they could gather an audience by promising to explain why the premonitions occur...Get more detail about The Final Destination.

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