Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Shop For Stargate: The Ark of Truth

I'm a fan of Stargate, and a HUGE fan of seasons 9 and 10. Obviously I had high expectations for this, but unfortunately they weren't met at ALL. The writing was just terrible. I mean it would be okay for a decent action movie, but by Stargate standards it was garbage.

Everything was stilted, things (like the Ori, the Priors, the Orisi) that were scary as hell in the series were kind of boring and/or goofy seeming in this. The wonderful chemistry between the cast felt completely absent. Vala and Sam barely have a part-Sam's reduced to a handful of tech lines, Vala has to spew a few paragraphs of boring exposition (she's an amazing actor...but how do you strike the write tone for that character while reading...paragraphs of boring exposition?) The only one who really gets a decent amount of screen time is Cam.

We have a generic, unbelievable bureaucrat, like they're saying "hey, remember those awful bureaucrats we've seen on Stargate? He's like them!" We have a shift of loyalties that comes out of the blue, and doesn't seem to have any connection at all to how the character was ALWAYS portrayed.

Heck, even the 'dialing the gate' scene was done 1000x better at the end of "Unending".

I'm really not sure how to rate this. I didn't hate it, but it's a huge disappointment, and doesn't do the series justice at all. To the people who seem to have only watched this movie and are judging the series by that-start at the beginning, or at the beginning of season 9. I don't regret seeing it, and any fan of the series like me is going to have to...but wow...I'd love to know what went wrong.Get more detail about Stargate: The Ark of Truth.

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