Friday, July 9, 2010

Low Price The Hurt Locker

I'm an Iraq veteran. This film offers real insight into my experience. Ignore the fact that these guys are EOD and whether or not EOD has been realistically portrayed. Feel what the characters are feeling. Look at the setting. See the interactions between the local nationals and the soldiers. Feel the FOB-Red Zone-FOB transition. This isn't a documentary, so correctness of every item used isn't important. The characters do undertake actions that seem insane, but so did we. The vignettes may seem artificially strung together, but they don't feel that way to me. They are as strung together as the events of a tour in Iraq. The screenplay focuses on the most salient moments; the rest would just be filler. The filler doesn't matter. My mind flexed blank on legions of filler moments, leaving me with a series of hyper-real events burned into my psyche. Watch, and don't worry about whether it all makes sense together. It doesn't. For any of us. That's why we're damaged--maybe forever.

Get more detail about The Hurt Locker.

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