Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Adventures of Robin Hood This instant

Yes folks, as you know, this film is in 4:3. You wouldn't think that an acknowledged classic would look at good on Blu as this does but even the "restored" version does not have the luster that the BD has. The color values are simply outstanding and does justice to the expense of Technicolor in 1937-1938. Yes, this is the romanticized version of the hooded bandit of Sherwood and the Middle Ages portrayed here aren't dirty, harsh, and vicious as they really were. Just accept that this movie is FUN, filled with detail, and even for the two "hands" (two different Directors) it is as good a romantic tale as is the legend. Considering that the BD version is downright cheap and it's a quality print, even if you have the restored version, indulge yourself and see this in all the glory I can imagine those in 1938 saw.Get more detail about Adventures of Robin Hood.

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