Thursday, August 19, 2010

Save There's Something About Mary

Ah, the Farrelly brothers. This is what, their masterpiece? Who am I to deny them that? This is most likely their finest film, although I am not the biggest fan of their work so that isn't saying a whole lot. But, maybe it is. The fact remains that, while I am not a gigantic fan of their work in general, I am a pretty big fan of this film. It's fun, funny and entertaining.

And believe me, there IS something about Cameron Diaz.

The film follows lovesick Ted as he attempts to track down Mary, the girl of his dreams. He knew her in high school and actually had a shot with her until a horrible accident caused a riff of embarrassment that followed Ted into his adult life. Ted hires a loser named Healy to track her down. Healy, a complete jerk, becomes smitten with Mary (because she's hot) and so he feeds Ted a slew of lies to get him off her trail and then goes in for the kill himself. Mary is successful and wealthy and looking for the right guy. Ted decides to pursue her regardless of the fact that, according to Healy, she is a wheelchair bound fatty with a slew of children and no money.

Ah, love is in the air.

`There's Something About Mary' doesn't nail every gag. The Farrelly brothers have their own style and it doesn't always work to their advantage. That said, when they do nail it, they nail it hard. In fact, every scene with that hilarious mutt named Puffy is just brilliant, and far funnier than the obsessed about hair-gel scene. The fight scene with Puffy had me in tears it was so funny, and the resuscitation scene still gets me in full barrel laughs.

The vulgarity here can be harsh, but it's also used in such a breezy nature that it becomes a part of the film, something light and airy and fun.

Ben Stiller is really good at what he does (far better than Adam Sandler) and he always nails these types of roles. Matt Dillon is hilarious here, hilariously EVIL! Lin Shaye is ridiculous. I mean, she's funny to look at really. Her leathery skin and disturbing love of her dog is just one of the many reasons to point and laugh when she is on the screen. But, as the title of the film suggests, this is all about Mary, and as Mary, Cameron Diaz is marvelous. She is certainly the funniest thing about the film, and her natural, carefree, ditzy-yet-SMARTER-THAN-YOU take on the character is classic! She nails every scene with a needed conviction, and her dramatic scenes are all tainted with enough humor to make her character completely believable and wholly adorable.

The New York Film Critics Circle was right that year!

It's not perfect, but it's a laugh riot and one that I can truly recommend. There is a lot of hype surrounding this one for those who have never seen it. It isn't the godsend of all comedies, but it is definitely noteworthy and worth taking the time to see.Get more detail about There's Something About Mary.

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