Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Buying Irreversible

First, I got dizzy from watching it at the beginning which is unusual since I loved The Blair Witch Project and it did not make me dizzy. As for chronological or rather nonchronolgical filmaking, I'm used to that, too. As for violence I'm used to that.

But this film was so gratuitous, it ranks on the level of 8mm for shock value. I saw no redeeming value in this and stopped when Monica was seen taken in the ambulance after being raped. (Why did a prostitute tell Alex to take the underpass as being safer (than the street? That didn't make sense to me. And how many times can one use the word rec**m so many times? The foul language and beatings were really gratuitous and could have used a lot of editing. It was shock value for shock effect only.

And I'm not a prude.Get more detail about Irreversible.

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