Monday, August 30, 2010

Discount The Dungeon Masters

It's been 30 years since I played Dungeons and Dragons and I certainly haven't kept up on all the changes over the years. Thus I approached this movie not as a study of of the rules and gaming but as a look into the lives of three people who also happen to be dungeon masters. On that level I think the movie succeeded.

On one level I could relate to the characters, not because I used to play D&D (and have played World of Warcraft) but because, like most people, I know what it's like to not fit in. I've always had respect for those who can get their geek on without worrying what everyone else thinks.

I really liked this movie - I found it entertaining. It was amusing in parts, touching in others. I think the movie is between a rock and hard place with viewers though. Many people not into role-playing games might not be able to get past the geekinees and just think "losers" when they watch the movie. Those into gaming may get caught up in the details (as seen in other reviews) and not be able to appreciate the movie as a whole. If you fall in between those two categories then give this movie a try...I think you'll find it worth your while.Get more detail about The Dungeon Masters.

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