Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cheapest V for Vendetta

I watch this movie at least once a month. The special effects are very subtle, but that is what makes them great. You will like the character V, but you will LOVE to hear him talk. The dialog in this movie is just out of sight.
The story is very cool, and the characters in the movie are well fleshed out. I have been surprised at how many people found this movie confusing. The pivotal detail appears later in the movie, but the sequence of events and motives are clear throughout the film. Do not be intimidated by the length of the movie, or the fact that it is a "comic" movie (I must say I love comics). None of this will matter b/c it is a great show regardless of the story's origins or duration. You will be left wanting more.Get more detail about V for Vendetta.

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