Monday, August 30, 2010

Cheapest Daybreak, Part 3

I missed the entire run of the show on TV, but my wife encouraged me to watch it, so I got the entire series on Amazon. I have to say, this show was wonderful. It took me on an emotional ride through every season, and by the end of the series, you feel like you've known these characters for years and have suffered and rejoiced right next to them.

I am satisfied with the finale, and am a little dismayed that some people are angry simply because they implied the existence of a God at the end. The show dealt with religion the entire length of it, and though it was occasionally scornful of the failings of religion, it treated the subject fairly.

I will say that the ending was not dark, like much of the series, and I think that also helps bring about a completeness to the show. I'm sorry, but the show can't be dark the entire time. Life isn't always dark, and it isn't always sunshine and daisies. Both parts need to exist to make a story great, and both should be appreciated for what they are.Get more detail about Daybreak, Part 3.

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