Saturday, August 21, 2010

Don't Look Down (No mires para Abajo) Decide Now

I guess I'm just too old to enjoy this film. While it was beautifully photographed I kind of felt I wasted time watching it. I love foreign films but this one is mediocre. Its not because of the sex. Its because, (and I know I will get pelted for this but its my opinion) it really is just soft porn.

The storyline was weak and the mysticism was an excuse to show naked young people. I don't care if sex is in a movie as long as its relevant to the storyline and not overkill. Would the audience appreciate the "beautiful coming of age story" if the stars were lumpy and out of shape? (A young Jack Black...zoinks shiver me timbers!)

I'm sorry to disagree with everyone but I did give it a try. I started watching it wanting to like it. I wanted to identify with the character because as it was advertised I saw some parallels with my own life. (Lost my father not so long ago, met my second husband not long afterward in a way that could only be described as fateful) Yet in the end I felt let down. The attempt to be deep was lost.

The only time I experienced true depth was at the end when Eloy's father appeared to him and told him life is about saying goodbye but don't let that stop you from living. That to me was what the film was supposed to be about and yet it ventured off down the road of positions and thrusts.

In any case just my two cents worth, not trying to offend anyone.Get more detail about Don't Look Down (No mires para Abajo).

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