Saturday, September 4, 2010

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Immediately

I have tio admit one thing before I begin: I am in any way, shape or form a audio/video/DvD/Blu-Ray/video game freak so I cannot and WILL NOT comment on the actual production qualities of this DVD. I don't care about how much they clean up the sound and remix it, or if it sounds better in Dolby Digital or DTS, or if the picture looks grainy or what not ( as long as it looks good ), and God knows what else. I go the movie theaters to sit down for 2 hours, watch an enjoyable film and then I pass judgement on it and if I enjoy it or not I will remember it. Being a long-time fan of the Star Trek series I recently watched this film on Netflix after not having seen it in over 10 years, and I think this Star Trek flim, the best of the series, only gets better with age. Nothing about this flim could be better insofar as the Star Trek universe is concerned, and of course the late great Ibero-Latino actor Ricardo Montalban was the standout. So on to my review, and this is just a character study, and I won't give away the film to those who HAVEN"T seen it:

After spending more than 15 years in exile on a planet known as Seti-Alpha 5, the great " gentically modified Superman from the late 20th century ", a former warlord and prince of late 20th century Earth, the villanous Khan ( played by the late great superbly famous and well-respected Ricardo Montalban, God please preserve him and keep his soul safe ) is able to extract revenge upon the hero of the Star Trek universe, the legendary revered and lauded greatest Captian of the United federation of Planets, Captain James T. ( Tiberius ) kirk. He, of course, does not succeed but this film emphasises and illustrates the great havoc and tragedy the great sin " wrath " can wreak upon a person's soul and the people it is directed at.

Khan, a megalomanical madman who was a lesser version of Adolf Hitler in his own time, was awakened out of his cryogenic bedchamber along with members of the crew of ship 15 years earlier by Captian Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise, all of whom are in this movie. Through the course of that episode of the origial " Star Trek " series, which I can recall bits and pieces of, Khan tried to commandeer the Enterprise and kill the crew but was stopped and ultimately defeated. Kirk, being a just man and not prone to the violent and sadistic tendencies of a man like Khan, chose to exile him and his crew on a lush, green, fertile planet known as Seti-Alpha 5 and thought that that was the last he would ever hear of him. Since Seti-Alpha 5 had so much going for it as a planet, Khan accepted, brought along his crew and also brought along his girlfriend, a very beautiful crewmember of the Enterprise, who had fallen in love with him and most likely later became his wife ( to whom he was referring to early in the movie, which was most likely the key component fueling his hatred towards Captian Kirk ).

15 years later Khan was discovered BY ACCIDENT on planet thought to be Seti-Alpha 6 by a Federation vessel and that's when Khan's wrath broke loose. The ensuing cat-and-mouse game was a true game of human chess to watch unfold on the screen and Khan's venemous hatred could be felt even across the screen ( the mark of a truly great actor, the ability to elicit emotions in the crowd. Actors who have perfected their craft are able to do such things well, they are like charges of electricity. Some are more intense than others, some you don't feel at all. Ricardo Montalban was a great actor. )

Captian Kirk, belng a wily and crafty man, was trying desperetely to keep up with his opponent and was doing well, but he was aided in great part by his best friend, occasional opponent, mentor and almost half-brother the alien from the planet Vulcan, Spock ( played by Leonard Nimoy ). Without Spock's guidance it would be easy to surmise that the games between Kirk and Khan would have reached a fever pitch and the ensuing clash would have resulted in the destruction of many lives, but the sacrifices we make " are for the good of the many ". And thus, tragedy ensued and carried over into the next 2 Star Trek flims. Star Trek 2: The Warth of Khan was really the first part of a 3-story arc that culminated in Star Trek 4. You cannot watch this film and not watch the other 2 because they are bital in knowing how this story reached it's culmination.

Star Trek is an institution that has inspired generations of people to look beyond the limits of the Earth and themselves and ask themselves questions about their lives, the Earth, the world around them, and ultimately what it heams to be alive, and more specifically, human. Forget the negative connotations people have about Star Trek fans, the much ridculted and lampooned " Trekkies ", becauae those are the people who have true enlightenment and will look forward to the cosmos and keep the shining light of the human race burning forever, if we can learn to get along like the citizens of the United Federation of Planets do. We don't have to be friends, one big happy family, or even like each other, but like the Star Trek universe the world is large and everybody can prosper in their own natural environments if they don't have the constraints that people who would like to oppress others, such as Khan, would like to impose upon others. that's why the United States of America should NEVER, EVER ABANDON IT'S SPACE PROGRAM AND LET IT BE DEVELOPED BY NATIONS THAT ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS. SUPPORT OUR AEROSPACE INDUSTRY AND KEEP AMERICA STRONG AND ALWAYS LOOKING SKYWARD INTO THE HEAVENS. Freedom is the universal dream of all living creatures, so why don't we keep striving for limitless boundaries?Get more detail about Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

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