Thursday, September 9, 2010

Buying Grey Gardens

Truly a unique experience,the most original documentary ever about two wonderful women.
I remember watching this on tv late one night wondering to myself:"What is this ,who are these people...when was this filmed?"
I had missed the beginning of it so i just had no idea. Later on i saw the cover of a DVD in my local video store which had
Little Eddie on it,i then realized that this was it.I promptly hired it and watched it...WOW...I'd never seen anything like it
and i became an instant fan.
It begs repeated viewing, parts of it are almost embarassing to watch...others will tear you heart out...others still, will make you howl with laughter for days.
The sequel is just as good with a much better quality audio soundtrack,i especially enjoyed Little Eddie's fashion montage with
Hildegarde'song:"I dream too much"..very touching.
I'd recommend this boxset,this is one you want to keep and share with selected friends...let's face it.It's not for everyone.
Also keep watching the credits on the 1st documentary at the very end you hear a phone call between Little Eddie and David
Maysles...a sort of a closure moment..very nice!!!Get more detail about Grey Gardens.

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