Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Othello (1995) Get it now!

When I first read that Laurence Fishburn starred in this version of Othello, I was slightly disappointed. I know Fishburn from his early films which included "Boys in the Hood" and "School Days" However, from the moment he appeared on the screen, Fishburn took ownership of the title role. He played with such convincing passion and jealousy that I was mesmerized by his portrayal of "the Moor." I know I will watch this film over and over. The sets, the costumes were very authentic, and added tremendously to the film's attempt to capture the time period of the play. The implications of Iago's homosexuality was a bit comical and could have been presented with more subtlety than satirically. I would have preferred the implication of inherent jealousy. Iago is a great character and very complex. Overall, the production was first rate.Get more detail about Othello (1995).

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