Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9 Get it now!

I disagree with comments that this film is either tedious or predictable. I had no idea where the film plot was going and I have never seen a film like this; I challenge the idea that anyone watching this film 'knew' where the plot was going. The film is very well paced with no real down time.
In terms of the design of the film it is nothing less than brilliant and the angel is in the details. The dystopian visual archetypal conjurings of H.G. Wells, "War of the Worlds" and George Orwell's, "1984" are an achievement.
"9" is CGI at its very best. This is no film for children and that's for sure - it would probably scare the pants off of them at a certain age simply for it's downbeat tone. I loved the fact that this film stayed within itself and didn't try and be some amazing blockbuster with cutesy plot threads.
"9" is certainly not a film for everybody but the talent that went into making it is undeniable. What an eccentric and weird film.
As far as the voices go, only Plummer's was so distinctly effective that it merited a known voice. I take issue with the effectiveness of using famous actors in animated films. Most of the time one isn't even aware of them and it's a waste of production money; I think it's done more to hype the films than for any other reason.
The crazy visions of that film will stay with me a long time.Get more detail about 9.

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