Monday, January 17, 2011

Cheap Pilot


And so is watching it on VoD. The fact that I can watch this on my PC, my Xbox, and my Bluray player absolutely makes it the best way to watch it. (Apparently it has support for mobile devices as well, although I don't believe my Zune is supported)

The show itself is fun, witty, and generally entertaining. As far as comedies go, it's probably my favorite on television right now. (Who knew CBS could put out a decent show?) The characters are lovable (sometimes I hate Lily), and the story is engaging. (WHO IS THEIR MOTHER? HOW DID THEY MEET?)

One other thing, I just realized you can watch it on the site as well! Amazing. (Why isn't this on Hulu? Probably so people can buy it on Amazon)

My ONLY qualm is that the quality of the first few seasons (including this one) are lacking. Obviously that's because of budget concerns on the show's end, so I won't dock a star.

Bottom line: this show is amazing, and you should be watching it immediately.Get more detail about Pilot.

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