Thursday, January 13, 2011

Moon Review

Yes, this is another movie of which we could draw parallels between this and several other movies that we seen and know and love. Yes, we can pretty much guess what is happening. However, this movie does have its own story and plays out in its own way. It is well worth watching.

Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) has been working a three-year stint for Luna industries. He is overseeing the mining and collection of clean energy on the far side of the Moon. In two weeks, he will be going home. He is starting to hallucinate. While concentrating on one of his hallucinations is involved in an accident. While recovering he overhears is a conversation between his caretaker robot and the Corporation. He is beginning to think the Corporation has other plans for him.

So is Sam Bell still hallucinating? On the other hand, are we just paranoid? On the other hand, does our clean energy company have a dirty little secret?

Watch this well paced movie and find out (maybe).

Finally, we have a movie that that not have a lot of drum beating in the background ever time the action picks up. You can tell the miniatures are miniatures. However, it does not distract.

I only saw the Blu-ray version so I cannot compare to others. The voice over commentary is not that informative. The BD live is no really that alive and the other DVD extras are humdrum.

Get more detail about Moon.

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