Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Purchase Hoodwinked

This is my favorite movie ever. It starts off with the original fairy tale, then gets crazier and wackier further on, until it suddenly ends with an evil bunny chasing down a granny on a muffin tin above a cable car. And it all makes SENSE, too. The animation isn't that great, but I don't mind--it makes the characters seem somehow doll-like, which I think is perfect for a fairy tale retelling. The mood switches from comically serious--the Wolf's story--to crazily insane--lumberjack!--and back again. I especially love how the villain is the bunny, the adorable little Boingo, the last person anyone would ever expect. My whole family adores this movie, from my dad to my five-year-old sister. When my friend and I first saw it, we spent months afterward quoting random lines from it. We still do, sometimes. It's THAT good.Get more detail about Hoodwinked.

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