Friday, January 14, 2011

Super Size Me

Entertaining, shocking and horrifying details follow and the viewer gets an education that may inspire some serious rethinking of what is allowed on said viewer's table. Well worth the time investment.

Super Size Me inspired my family's love of quirky documentaries. (Super Size Me is also joined by the classic Best In Show Mockumentary on our list of favorites.) Though we first saw Super Size Me a few years ago it is in our DVD library and we have watched it several times. And our youngest daughter used Spurlock's findings in a recent term paper.

Though this documentary was just the beginning of our awareness of what you eat can kill you, Super Size Me made a lasting difference in our lives. Now bad choices in food are still guilt-ridden but Spurlock's experiment and the knowledge that came from it helps us to avoid mindless eating. This documentary was fascinating from a medical and psychological standpoint and entertaining, too. The extras are worth watching.
Get more detail about Super Size Me.

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