Saturday, January 1, 2011

Notting Hill Top Quality

I thought I was going to love this movie, but the only redeeming thing about it is the supporting players. It stars Hugh Grant as, well, the same bumbling fool he always plays, but we love that about him. He is the owner of a small bookstore and has a quirky bunch of friends and his life if good - lacking in love, but good.

Along comes Julia Roberts as a movie star and I have to say that I hated her in this. I am not a huge fan of hers to begin with, but she is awful in this. Her character is self absorbed and downright mean at times.

Why did the writers make Hugh such a pansy in this film? The fact that they end up together really bothered me. She did not deserve him after the poor way she treated him. I think in the hands of another actress this might have been better. I cannot recommend this film to anybody, even those die hard Hugh fans...sorry gals.Get more detail about Notting Hill.

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