Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Stoning Of Soraya M. Decide Now

I checked this film out of the library and watched it this week....I had heard of it, but never knew all the details that had occurred in this true story. The acting in this film is superb by all. The fact that an innocent woman can be accused of adultery by her husband because he wants to marry another woman and knowing that the punishment is a public stoning to death of his wife, the mother of his sons, is so emotionally portrayed. When the sons are given rocks to throw at their mother, it reminded me of the video made many years ago of Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery" in which a son is given a rock to throw at his mother, too. Watching this poor defenseless woman being stoned is heartbreaking. I was enthralled by this film and have been telling others about it all week, even posting on my Facebook page about it and be moved. I now want to own this film and may possibly try and show it in my multicultural literature class next fall. I occasionally have Muslim women in my classes who say they are not discriminated against --I want to show this film to them in particular and ask them what they think about this cruelty to women in the Muslim world. Buy this video and watch it. Talk about it. Encourage others to watch it, too. Maybe then the world will somehow change this horrible practice that takes place in Iran and other Arabic and Muslim countries.Get more detail about Stoning Of Soraya M..

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