Friday, December 31, 2010

License To Drive Immediately

I watched this movie a bazillion times as a child (VHS). In the wake of Corey Haim's unfortunate passing I decided to relive a moment of childhood bliss and watch License To Drive again. Unfortunately, the magic is long past for me. You cannot look past the terrible writing and direction of this movie. I did get some laughs out of it, don't get me wrong, but the majority of laughs were at the expense of the terrible film-making and uninspired dialogue. This is a tween/teen movie from the 80s that certainly deserves a tombstone unlike Mr. Haim. The soundtrack is fairly abysmal, although the Frank Sinatra holds it's own. This is not a movie worth watching. Spread over the course of an approximate 140 minutes, there are about 3 minutes worth of brilliance. If you want to see "the coreys" in action, rent "the lost boys"... it is a far better picture.Get more detail about License To Drive.

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