Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Billy Elliot Right now

What's not to like about this film. It is a masterpiece in every way. It shows that a boy can participate in something that is generally reserved for girls and not be a homosexual. In fact Billy's friend was there to show that Billy was not gay but that he accepted his friend for who he was. It showed that even the most intolerant of parents can be turned to support their child once they see how much it means to them and what talent they have, even in the worst situations. All the performances where great from the adults to the kids. Jamie Bell was a master a "Billy". I'm glad to see that he has become an A-list British actor and that he is getting so many starring roles. He deserves it, his acting is golden. 10/10 all around for this move, which in my book is a timeless classic with a great message, and a must watch for anyone with an once of tolerance.Get more detail about Billy Elliot.

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