Sunday, October 17, 2010

Save Battlestar Galactica:The Mini-Series

I haven't seen the actual series yet, but this 3 hour miniseries is a nice introduction. I have trouble ever really loving a pilot for a series. It always seems to drag on as each character is introduced. This mini series was no exception. It did get better as it unfolded and everything is set up nicely for the actual series in the end. There is some nice action and some great CG effects throughout that help the space battle sequences. The actors themselves do there best, but a few characters like the XO really come off as very annoying. I hope they can rectify some of these characters throughout the series to make them more likable, or kill them off all together. The show does conclude on a nice twist that leaves you wanting more, and in the end I recommend that you rent this DVD just to get introduced to the characters, and then move on from there.Get more detail about Battlestar Galactica:The Mini-Series.

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