Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Purchase Wrecked

I like to think I'm pretty open-minded. There have been many movies that have gotten horrible reviews that I've really liked. Someone else on here said something along the lines of "comparing Wrecked to Shortbus is an insult to Shortbus" and I couldn't agree more.

There was no point to this movie (except maybe "drugs are bad, MmmKay"), the acting was terrible, every scene just dragged, the nudity and sex was completely distasteful. Besides all that, there were several things about this movie that were totally awkward, or just plain didn't make sense. For example: Ryan is described as an 18 y/o attempting to develop a career as an actor... It appears he has a house (and a dog) all to himself, but his bedroom looks like a typical teenage studio apartment. He gets a part in a 3-person play and is rehearsing in what looks like a church basement. That must pay well, cuz he's always whipping twenties out of his pocket. Daniel is an on-again off-again fling who shows up one day with his backpack and moves right in to destroy Ryan's life.

So let's review: Ryan has no job, but always has money, he lives in a dump that is quite clearly a house but looks like a dorm room, and he's trying to launch a career as an actor in a church basement. Ryan knows Daniel is a slime ball but welcomes him with open arms, and pretty much says "Sure, you can move in, take advantage of me, get me hooked on drugs, and ruin my life... c'mon, what ya waiting for?" Don't even get me started on the weird Asian photographer buddy.

And the smoking!!! Good Lord. Everyone in this film is a chain smoker. Although I highly doubt I'll ever watch Wrecked again, if I do, it'd make for a great drinking game. "Drink every time someone lights a cigarette!" You'd be so hammered by the end of the film that you MIGHT not care how awful it was.
Get more detail about Wrecked.

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