Friday, December 31, 2010

License To Drive Immediately

I watched this movie a bazillion times as a child (VHS). In the wake of Corey Haim's unfortunate passing I decided to relive a moment of childhood bliss and watch License To Drive again. Unfortunately, the magic is long past for me. You cannot look past the terrible writing and direction of this movie. I did get some laughs out of it, don't get me wrong, but the majority of laughs were at the expense of the terrible film-making and uninspired dialogue. This is a tween/teen movie from the 80s that certainly deserves a tombstone unlike Mr. Haim. The soundtrack is fairly abysmal, although the Frank Sinatra holds it's own. This is not a movie worth watching. Spread over the course of an approximate 140 minutes, there are about 3 minutes worth of brilliance. If you want to see "the coreys" in action, rent "the lost boys"... it is a far better picture.Get more detail about License To Drive.

28 Weeks Later Best Quality


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Apollo 13 Get it now!

Now, I've seen Apollo 13 a million times. BUT, this Blu-ray version brings so much clarity and added drama to an already fantastic movie. If Jim Lovell would have seen Earth from this Blu-ray view, there would have been no way he would have said, "Houston, we have a problem!" Fantastic performance by Tom Hanks and his colleagues. GREAT VERSION of this movie. Don't waste your money on the "regular" version. Blu-ray all the way!Get more detail about Apollo 13.

The Girl Next Door (Unrated) Buy Now

Well, I do understand why a teenage boy might give this film five stars. However, the rest of us (and that does include teenage girls), have likely figured out how to use pay-per-view (a.k.a. more skin for the same price). So, if you take away the "skin factor", what else does "Girl Next Door" have to offer? A compelling story, perhaps? Funny, previously unheard jokes? Superb acting? Well... none of the above, actually.
The plot:
A high school senior, top student with a bright future, almost looses it all when his new neighbour and the object of his affections turns out to be a porn star. A gesture, meant to stear the young woman away from her chosen career, puts in jeopardy not only the boy's entry into college, but maybe even his very life and freedom.

Surprisingly, the one entertaining factor in this far fetched story comes in the form of Timothy Olyphant as a porn producer and the porn stars ex. It is the part that challenges my previously grim view of the man's acting skills. His very appearance: the plaid pants, the crazy hair, the five pounds of jewelry, is chuckle worthy. His character seems dim witted and affable one minute, and sly, slick and sinister the next... The part disserves to be plucked out of this flick, and landed in something far more interesting then the "Girl Next Door" (oops! ;o) ).
Verdict: if you don't have cable, haven't had a date in a long time, and can lower your expectations just low enough, take out the "Girl Next Door". You may get a few laughs... Just don't expect to fall in love...Get more detail about The Girl Next Door (Unrated).

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Day After Tomorrow Order Now

I saw "The Day After Tomorrow" when it first hit the theaters and enjoyed it very much. I recently bought it on DVD and found, in it, many ideas and concepts that I had missed the first time around.

This movie has been attacked because, among other things, the events happen too quickly to represent reality accurately. Well, after some investigation into the subject, I learned that this scenario is probably exactly what happened at the beginning of the last Ice Age over 20,000 years ago.

This was referenced briefly in the scene in the Museum of Natural History when the staring characters were shocked to learn that the Woolly Mammoth displayed was found with fresh food in it's mouth and stomach (true story re: NY Museum of Natural History)indicating that it had been frozen solid in a matter of minutes or even seconds.

The movie is based on the book: "The Coming Super Storm" by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber (recommended reading).

I recommend to ignore the "naysayers" and look at the Science implied with fresh eyes and open mind.

Ed In WA

Get more detail about The Day After Tomorrow.

Stoning Of Soraya M. Decide Now

I checked this film out of the library and watched it this week....I had heard of it, but never knew all the details that had occurred in this true story. The acting in this film is superb by all. The fact that an innocent woman can be accused of adultery by her husband because he wants to marry another woman and knowing that the punishment is a public stoning to death of his wife, the mother of his sons, is so emotionally portrayed. When the sons are given rocks to throw at their mother, it reminded me of the video made many years ago of Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery" in which a son is given a rock to throw at his mother, too. Watching this poor defenseless woman being stoned is heartbreaking. I was enthralled by this film and have been telling others about it all week, even posting on my Facebook page about it and be moved. I now want to own this film and may possibly try and show it in my multicultural literature class next fall. I occasionally have Muslim women in my classes who say they are not discriminated against --I want to show this film to them in particular and ask them what they think about this cruelty to women in the Muslim world. Buy this video and watch it. Talk about it. Encourage others to watch it, too. Maybe then the world will somehow change this horrible practice that takes place in Iran and other Arabic and Muslim countries.Get more detail about Stoning Of Soraya M..

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Billy Elliot Right now

What's not to like about this film. It is a masterpiece in every way. It shows that a boy can participate in something that is generally reserved for girls and not be a homosexual. In fact Billy's friend was there to show that Billy was not gay but that he accepted his friend for who he was. It showed that even the most intolerant of parents can be turned to support their child once they see how much it means to them and what talent they have, even in the worst situations. All the performances where great from the adults to the kids. Jamie Bell was a master a "Billy". I'm glad to see that he has become an A-list British actor and that he is getting so many starring roles. He deserves it, his acting is golden. 10/10 all around for this move, which in my book is a timeless classic with a great message, and a must watch for anyone with an once of tolerance.Get more detail about Billy Elliot.

Lowest Price Smoke Gets in Your Eyes [HD]

This show has had a lot of buzz, and all of my friends keep telling me how they are hooked on Mad Men. I finally gave it a shot, and after one episode, I was hooked. After two episodes, I was addicted.

It's amazing how quickly they are able to develop the characters and how quickly this show can get you hooked.

The Amazon Video on Demand HD version has very good quality. I just wish it was available as a rental, since this is a fairly expensive way to catch up on the show.

I haven't been this hooked on a show since The West Wing.Get more detail about Smoke Gets in Your Eyes [HD].

Monday, December 27, 2010

Low Price Once

I was familiar with the music of Glen Hansard before (with The Frames) and could largely take it or leave it, but the film is outstanding-- it's so true, raw, and pure in its storytelling, avoiding the classic American boy-meets-girl cliches (y'know, because it's not an American film).
Irglova is the definition of adorability, and Hansard's new material (and reworked Frames material) is so soulful and heartfelt, I had to rethink my prior opinions.
It's just a really great film that does not come along too often (no, I'm not going to say something like "once in a lifetime").

Get more detail about Once.

Save The Damned United

This movie involves football, the european kind, not American. The movie revolves around soccer, but in so doing the movie taps into the basic human motives, such as revenge and greed. One man is on a mission to show another man, who made him feel small, that is every bit as good at what he does as the other man. In the process, we are left with the turmoil that results from pursuing these emotions to their fullest. We are left with failure and agony. This movie reflects this with great ease as it shows how this process unfolds through strong writing and great acting. Get it and enjoy.Get more detail about The Damned United.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Discount Battlestar Galactica: Razor - Unrated Extended Version

I bought the movie "Razor" at the same time I bought "Battlestar Galactica,the complete series"."Razor" is included in the complete set.So now I have two.Now,on to the movie.It's just like the series,well written,well acted and just as entertaining as the series is.I think even if you haven't seen any of the series you would be able to enjoy this movie.You don't have to know the series to follow what's going on in the movie.Get more detail about Battlestar Galactica: Razor - Unrated Extended Version.

Cheapest Boiler Room

Very interesting movie for anyone interested in the way the investment industry is perceived. GaryGet more detail about Boiler Room.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Cheap The Mask Of Zorro

Great movie. I think I will order the 2nd Zorro movie even though it is not rated as high as the first. I enjoy the fact that it is multilingual.Get more detail about The Mask Of Zorro.

Buying Donnie Darko

After hearing from so many people, "I can't believe you, of all people, haven't seen this movie," I finally watched DONNIE DARKO (2001). I got the movie for Christmas, and it's been sitting there, waiting for me to sit down and watch it. I kept thinking it was a slasher movie or something, and really didn't want to see a slasher movie, but because everyone kept saying I'd like it, including my son, I finally watched. It's not a slasher movie - chalk that up to really bad marketing years back when it came out. DONNIE DARKO is by far one of the best dark, strange, and brilliant films I've watched in a long, long time. And I don't use the word "brilliant" for movies lightly. OK, I can be pretty easy to please sometimes, but in this case - wow. Now, it might not be for everyone, it's a little surreal, definitely creepy, but the cast, especially (but not limited to) Jake Gyllenhaal as Donnie, is so strong, the writing and, hell, everything down to the music, it is an experience you should treat yourself to. Now, I strongly recommend getting the Director's Cut - it's 20 minutes longer but I can't imagine a minute of it being cut, and supposedly the special effects were ramped up - so if you end up missing the stunning visuals towards the end, then you're missing out. Won't get into the plot much, but I will suggest that to understand it, read carefully the pages of the book he finds (you'll know what I mean when you watch it), even pause the DVD enough to do this. They might make no sense, but it'll get your head ready for the ending. Anyway, a 5 out of 5 stars in the Dan movie book, if you like slightly left-of-center films, which I do. :-)Get more detail about Donnie Darko.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Buy The Hunt for Red October

My stars and this review are for the Blue-Ray edition. I'm big fan of The Hunt For Red October. I even saw it in the theater when it first came out. Since then I've watched it plenty of times on regular dvd. But, I recently purchased the Blue-Ray. I actually did read the reviews here, as I do whenever I'm thinking about buying a Blue-Ray due to their hit and miss quality. And the reviews for The Hunt For Red October were sort of mixed about the Blue-Ray. It was hard to tell this time. I was thinking that maybe the few things I read about the audio not being that loud maybe were just people who don't know how to work their systems or something. There did not seem to be all that many complaints anyway. Well, I tried watching the Blue-Ray for The Hunt For Red October a few nights ago. I have a very nice system, and everything is certainly hooked up perfectly, with the firmware being up to date in my dvd player, great connections, etc.

The Blu-Ray picture is certainly is good. There was never much of a problem with the picture quality on the regular dvd, but you can tell that the picture is a slight step up. Looks great. The problem is, that the audio for the Blue-Ray for The Hunt For Red October has taken a step down in quality since the regular dvd, and I found it bad enough that I just put the regular dvd back on and finished the movie that way. The Blu-Ray version is pointless. Though the sound is there, there is no, "UMPH". No strength. Its weak. You have to turn it up very loud for dialog and then music and action just blasts. It is like all the backbone has been lost in the sound. I was not expecting DTS or anything, which sure would have been nice, but I at least expect for them to MAINTAIN the sound quality of the regular dvd, not drop it. Well, they have dropped it. Another useless, fast made Blu-Ray with not enough effort put it. Not even any extra features as far as I can tell. They are simply the same ones from the regular dvd. So, thanks for nothing studios. I guess all I can do now is spread the word around and wait till maybe someone gets their act together and does this fine film justice.Get more detail about The Hunt for Red October.

Purchase The Stepfather

There was nothing special about this movie. I believe that it was a remake, they could have done much better with the material.Get more detail about The Stepfather.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Order The Great Gatsby (1974)

The Great Gatsby is a colorful, funny, panoramic book full of penetrating individual character studies and strong opinions about the lives of the wealthy. This movie version doesn't communicate any of the book's depth. The director focuses the movie on Gatsby's and Daisy's brief romance. It is the main focus of the movie. But in the book, their 'romance' is a minor point. It doesn't occupy many pages at all. In fact, one interpretation of the book is that Daisy doesn't truly love Gatsby. Rather, he's just another plaything for this bored rich woman, one that allows her to get even with her brutal husband's affair that he flaunts in front of her before Gatsby shows up.
The actors in the movie don't fit the characterization of the book. Bruce Dern portrays Tom Buchanan as weak. Fitzgerald shows Buchanan as a physically imposing, 6'3", 220ib college football star, who turns every encounter into a contest, a contest he intends to win. Dern doesn't show Buchanan's sheer intimidation. Robert Redford is OK as Gatsby, but it's not a hard role, because there isn't much depth to Gatsby. The interesting characters in the book are Tom & Daisy Buchanan and Jordan. Mia Farrow portrays Daisy as weak, unstable and easily upset. Fitzgerald shows Daisy as uninterested, confident and manipulative of situations.
This movie is a bust, but it's also 35yrs old. I hope a talented director and screenwriter see the opportunity for a new film interpretation about this magnificent book.
For film buffs, this movie is interesting in that it's a big money movie. Gatsby is released around the same time as Scorsese's & DeNiro's masterpieces of Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. Those two geniuses to take Jake LaMotta's autobiography, and turn it into a cinematic masterpiece, one that is the forerunner of how films were made for the next couple decades. At the same time, Jack Clayton takes a masterpiece of a novel about dreams and wealth and ambition, the Great Gatsby, and removes all the interesting aspects of the book, and hands us only a tepid love story. It's movies like Gatsby that show what a genius Scorsese is, because he takes everyday material and spins gold.Get more detail about The Great Gatsby (1974).

Where To Buy Chuck Versus the Ring

Started watching the first few episodes... and ended up buying the whole season (Amazon so graciously refunded my single episode purchases when i bought the season - first class customer service!)

I have only marathoned one other tv series and that was 24. that says a lot. Yes, its not the same genre but something about the nerdship and action (and the lead actress ;) that made me want to see more.... highly recommended for the nerd herd! the chemistry of this cast is its main strength, they all click together and they sell the story well.

Cant wait for March 2010 Season 3!! hope there's a way we can have it sooner!Get more detail about Chuck Versus the Ring.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shop For Jesse Stone: Thin Ice

Just as Good as the others, can't wait for more. Tom Selleck at his bestGet more detail about Jesse Stone: Thin Ice.


And that's okay!!
I just wish I knew more about the film.
It was completely depressing to me...completely. These kid's are so mixed up and we feel all the heartache and we feel uncomfortable and left with questions about the end.
Good actor's and important subject but to me just, SAD.Get more detail about Dare.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sophie Scholl Review

If you like minor footnotes in history, then this film is for you.

Yes, there was student resistance to the Nazis, and yes the Nazis stepped on them very brutally. Sophie Scholl was a "hero" of the resistance and the film is interesting from a historical perspective.

Do not, I repeat, do not watch the interview with "Sophie Scholl" actress Julia Jentsch. She is clueless and she debases the memory of Sophie Scholl by laughing off set before being called to do the climactic final scene in poor Sophie's life.Get more detail about Sophie Scholl.

Rain Man Top Quality

The movie is great, and the delivery was excellent.It was at my house a few days after ordering it.Get more detail about Rain Man.

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Its A Very Sunny Christmas This instant

Well, I did not purchase this from, but I did watch it online. In my opinion, it was the best Always Sunny episode I've seen yet. Anyway, I do plan to purchase this here on, but I think this episode shows that the people who are originally @ssholes and try to be for once, end up screwing ya over in the end. I guess that's what almost every episode is about, but this one really shows it. It was quite amusing to watch the nudity, violence and cursing.Get more detail about It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Its A Very Sunny Christmas.

The Mission Immediately

This epic film would be great on Blue Ray! With all the trash and garbage on BR how about one of the best films ever made?Get more detail about The Mission.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cube Best Quality

I think it's worth watching once.

While I did appreciate the spectacle of people trying to work their way out of a deadly trap using mathematics, I would say that the film fell apart when the director tried to ramrod some allegorical meanings into it. The writing wasn't that well done. The idea that the Cube was originally a mammoth public works project that got out of control was serviceable enough, and hey isn't that like life? The problem with these metaphorical approaches is that certain events in the movie disallow them. Then how do you explain how everybody got in the cube? How do you explain how they don't remember? How do you explain how they left off questioning Worth when there were many other things he could have answered.

If the director wanted this to be an allegory, he should have insisted on a script without so many leaks in it.Get more detail about Cube.

American Gangster (Unrated) Get it now!

A ton of action and thrills in this one, a great performance by Denzel, well worth the price!Get more detail about American Gangster (Unrated).

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chorus Line Buy Now

I saw the stage version twice, and was not disappointed in the movie version. I would reccomend this movie to any fan of musicals, and especially of dancing.
As usual, Amazon shipped the dvd promptly. Take advantage of free shipping when ever you can.
A.PhillipsGet more detail about Chorus Line.

Riding in Cars with Boys Order Now

A very interesting, very genuine film showcasing genuine emotions. I have never been much familiar with the life history of Beverley Donofrio, after having witnessed Drew Barrymore playing the charecter, I couldn't help but believe that its just the real Beverley Donofrio right there on screen. She delivers a very believeble performence, a surprisingly excellent one. Steve Zahn was simply amazing, he indeed steals the show, there are words he easily conveys with just facial expressions alone. The rest cast delivers a reasonable performence. A little gem of a film potryaling real people, life and situations. Definately worth a watch.Get more detail about Riding in Cars with Boys.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hiro Yoshimura Decide Now

This final season still left some holes and questions, but overall it is stronger than the preceding weak season.
Christian faces major trauma with Kimber, Matt continues to make the worst possible decisions, Julia finally gets a new life, Sean eventually stops being used as Christian's punching bag and gets to carve out a new life as well, and Christian and Liz make peace and form a new kind of relationship.

Some things got dropped: Why was Wilber hardly ever around? Why wasn't there more material dealing with the aftermath of Kimber? What happened to Lipo the dog? Why didn't Christian ever call up his daughter Emme? If Kimber had such a bad childhood, why didn't her mother address this? Is Julia's mother in the pokey?

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Fargo Right now

Bought as a gift for an old friend. He was thrilled to receive the collection and has enjoyed the films. Told me every time he watches one, he thinks of his old pal.Get more detail about Fargo.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lowest Price This Is Spinal Tap

"Spinal Tap" is right-on satire of a wacky 1980's heavy metal band. The story is weird but you have the gut feeling it is a perceptive lampoon of what was going on in the 80's rock gigs. Rob Reiner plays Director Marty DiBergi and effectively keeps the story line focused. Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and Harry Shearer are fantastic as they keep their characters real and slightly off regular logic. Of course we have to remember we are visiting a different universe for the British Heavy Metal Band.

The movie was somewhat sad in that the meaning of success for men in their 40's is to act forever young - not quite adults being shuttled from town to town giving bizarrely ludicrous interviews. Spinal Tap is full of inside jokes for those in the music industry, as well as a vicarious look into the lives of a rock band for the average "Joe" and wannabees.

Overall, "Spinal Tap" was fun to watch and the dysfunctional group hit every rock star cliche.Get more detail about This Is Spinal Tap.

Low Price The House Bunny

This under rated movie was very entertaining! Adam Sandler did a nice job with this one. The critics are taking this a bit too seriously... it's a movie... relax.

Great casting and interesting characters. Anna Faris was perfect and very funny.

You will watch this more than just once - it's like a potato chip...Get more detail about The House Bunny.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Discount The Abductors

The Abductors: 8 out of 10: Let us face it, some bad movies age better than others. From the wonderfully horrible fashion and hair worn by the leads; to décor including shag carpets (that they actually shag on) and chintzy coconuts holding pushpins (in the bank presidents office no less); the Abductors is simply filled with seventies kitsch.

The Abductors also has an attitude towards woman so politically incorrect they would burn down the theater today. (Great film to show during a Take Back the Night meeting, just make sure you park away from the ensuing riot.) The Abductors is a bit like a feminist raison de ere.

Like any good exploitation film, there is a ton of nubile flesh on display. The Ginger films add bondage, rape and generally cruelty that separates it from the cheerleader and nurse pictures that were its competition at the seventies drive-in. In addition, the girls are silicone free, with tan lines to boot, which I admit I find more appealing than the cookie cutter Playboy models of today's exploitation.

Downsides include remarkably incompetent gunfights (the prop guns do not fire on cue) and the state police (who look Canadian for some reason) are out of a thirties gangster movie (Complete with a Tommy gun that smokes like a Cheech and Chong extra.) The Abductors also suffers from very strange pacing, including a very gratuitous drum solo and maraca-shaking scene; no really, Ginger brought her own maracas to the disco. As a lead actor, Cheri Caffro looks like a hooker a few years past her prime, complete with pancake make-up. The other lead actor Jennifer Brooks (Laurie Rose) is so hopelessly nubile, Caffro looks like her mom.

Great flick to watch while the significant other is out of the house, heck preferably safely out of town. The Ginger films, like that other exploitation classic I Spit on Your Grave, is a viewing pleasure best kept close to the vest.

Get more detail about The Abductors.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cheapest The Ugly Truth

A tad slow in the begining, this movie has a lot of very funny moments.
There is something everyone can relate to.Get more detail about The Ugly Truth.

Cheap The Crucible

As for all the reviews that gave this film 5 stars, this is another. This story is powerful in it's own right, even more so in this amazing ensemble cast. This is the best film I have ever seen Ms Ryder in & she among a cast that makes this play come alive. I have read this play & I have a CD version that I have listened to several times which was a harrowing experience to say the least. This film goes to places reading or audio alone cannot. There are also several extras including a discussion between Daniel Day-Lewis & Arthur Miller on the play: it's too short but well worth seeing. I can almost promise anyone who gets this DVD that you will not be disappointed.Get more detail about The Crucible.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Buying Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story

I dont know how anyone could not laugh at this movie. It seems to appeal to all types of audiences that enjoy light humor. I wasnt a fan of Ben Stiller until this move. He is very funny in it. Despite the focus on humor, it is not entirely predictable and has some suprises in store for the audience.Get more detail about Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story.

Buy Kiss

I'm guessing timing is everything....but this is one of the best shows produced by a network in the last several years, but unfortunately joins the ranks of other great shows that didn't make it passed season 1. Studio 60 is another.Get more detail about Kiss.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Order Brokeback Mountain

Anyone that can sit and watch 2 men (?) do sick acts w/ each each other and call it beautiful,Have some real promblems in their lives.No im not closed minded at all, Truly the oppisite. I think people that engage in these type of sick acts, are the closed minded ones.And one day thet will truly pay for it. Now for the movie,I made it to the part of where they were acting or doing acts that are truly abnormal witheach other.And that was more than I could stomach.Before the sick act began,their were some beautiful nature scenes.Unless your a sick person.don't even attempt this film.I tried it without even reading reviews on it.Thank goodness it was a free promotiom from me purchasing an albulm.Get more detail about Brokeback Mountain.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Where To Buy Transylmania

It is not a film i'd watch again. I realize that it is a horror spoof, but I didn't find anything funny about it. The premise is decent enough and the acting was fine, I just didn't think it was humorous in any way shape or form.Get more detail about Transylmania.

Shop For Tyler Perry's Madea Goes To Jail

Great movie, Tyler produce a funny,comic drama that will make you laught, I'm a fan of his movies and think that these one is a most see....Get more detail about Tyler Perry's Madea Goes To Jail.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Gabriel Top Quality

The Angel that IS Andy Whitfield! Andy could be my Angel any day! The passion he has in the characters he portrays is divine and those blue eyes of his will capture you! Those blues eyes really show up in the Arc Angel Gabriel and as he is sent from the heavens to Purgatory to save souls and battle the dark angels who have taken over, he splashes on to the screen with a presence and intensity that you can really appreciate! You can see from this role why he was chosen for Spartacus. He is one of the most passionate actors of all time and I love and appreciate his work and will forever be a fan. He has so much heart and soul in the roles he plays, I am in awe!
The movie is a dark story of what the world would be like if all good souls were already gone and only the lost ones who don't want to be saved would be like. Gabriel is the last bastion of hope for anyone and he has a mission to succeed!
I won't spoil the ending but I will say that it is a great work to see the pre-Spartacus Andy Whitfield in action! It was way cool I thought! There could definately be a sequel!

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Helvetica This instant

These people are absolutely right. If you love Helvetica, you have to see this really wonderful movie of people celebrating the typeface and what it stands for. Who would ever guess that you could make a movie about this. But it's great.Get more detail about Helvetica.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

When Harry Met Sally Immediately

I know its kind of silly but I still like this movie. I waited a long time to see it again but when I did, I say it in the blue ray version which just made it a lot more fun. I dont know why they dont make more romantic comedies then they do these days.Get more detail about When Harry Met Sally.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sicko Buy Now

Although I had seen this video when I rented it, several of my friends wanted to borrow it and then wanted their friends to see it. It is a perfect example of what is wrong with US health care no matter what your politics and in spite of some exaggeration which is a good reason to see it.Get more detail about Sicko.

Stand and Deliver Order Now


Sunday, December 5, 2010

The First Wives Club Decide Now


Ninja Assassin Right now

STYLE OVER SUBSTANCE! No doubt the reason why this is being so highly rated is because Ninja/Kung Fu movies have die hard fans. They usually can't see anything objectively through their Ninja colored glasses.

Ninja Assasin is a fun popcorn flick (if you can keep your food down?)! There is a choppy story line that is not bad. The acting on the other hand is (for the most part). Rain a Korean Pop Star, plays a deadly Ninja named Raizo. he was abducted as a young child and trained to become a deadly assasin. The "family" kills the only thing he ever loved which sets Raizo on a hellbent course to destroy them. That's it...not really much else.

Now if you don't care for acting and execution, but you love stylized kung fu violence, this movie is for you!

NOW FOR MY BLU RAY THOUGHTS: This movie is probably best suited for full 1080p viewing! It looks great, and sounds awesome too. FINAL THOUGHTS: Wait for it on cable! NINJA FANS: Go get your black suits on and take out your foam nunchucks...BUY!Get more detail about Ninja Assassin.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lowest Price Caligula: R-Rated Edition

I didn't think to see the rating for this movie because I didn't think there was an R-Rated version. I know this movie had to be made for everyone to be able to watch it, but having this rating brings the movie down. I watched the unrated version and it had scenes in there that will make you cringe. If you take away all of the evil that Caligula wrought, then you don't have the full essence of the film. If you are going to watch this watch the original version. A warning though, I thought it was almost a porno inside the first 5 minutes. Really not suitable for anyone less than 18.Get more detail about Caligula: R-Rated Edition.