Thursday, May 27, 2010

Low Price Baggage

House had an outpatient therapy session this week since he was in crisis mode. By having him be in therapy and solving a case simultaneously, this put Hugh Laurie at the center of the action at all times. It is hard to think of a time he was not on camera. And that is the secret to this show. When this is done, the show is a brilliant 5 stars. When the focus is shifted to anyone else, it starts losing ground. Those characters are only interesting as they revolve around House. For example, Wilson and Sam want House to move out to his own place. This is what throws House into crisis mode. So Wilson was used but Wilson was not central to the show. Ditto as to everyone else. The character I enjoyed the next most was House's psychiatrist. I think he should be brought back more frequently as his repartee with House is quite good, much better than anyone else's. I am heartily thankful I only had to hear one remark about Taub's legendary but implausible love life.Get more detail about Baggage.

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