Sunday, May 30, 2010

Buy Ninja Assassin

STYLE OVER SUBSTANCE! No doubt the reason why this is being so highly rated is because Ninja/Kung Fu movies have die hard fans. They usually can't see anything objectively through their Ninja colored glasses.

Ninja Assasin is a fun popcorn flick (if you can keep your food down?)! There is a choppy story line that is not bad. The acting on the other hand is (for the most part). Rain a Korean Pop Star, plays a deadly Ninja named Raizo. he was abducted as a young child and trained to become a deadly assasin. The "family" kills the only thing he ever loved which sets Raizo on a hellbent course to destroy them. That's it...not really much else.

Now if you don't care for acting and execution, but you love stylized kung fu violence, this movie is for you!

NOW FOR MY BLU RAY THOUGHTS: This movie is probably best suited for full 1080p viewing! It looks great, and sounds awesome too. FINAL THOUGHTS: Wait for it on cable! NINJA FANS: Go get your black suits on and take out your foam nunchucks...BUY!Get more detail about Ninja Assassin.

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