Monday, May 31, 2010

Discount Planet 51

Overall good movie I took my child but it was slightly over her head I think 7 yrs of age or over would be better. Teaches kid how to be a friend, take blame and correct their mistakes.Get more detail about Planet 51.

Cheapest Zombieland

All the best scenes were show in the commercials. I thought it had funny ways of killing zombies. The first couple of scenes were funny. I thought it was going to build up from there. But it quickly fizzles from then on. At best this movie is worth watching 1 time only.Get more detail about Zombieland.

Cheap Precious

This movie was filled with a lot of sad moments but it really told a good story. I first was at my friend Isacc's house when I saw this movie. The one thing that I really like about this movie is it gets right to the point and it does not take long for it to get under way. The mom in this movie is someone that you would consider evil. She is so brutally mean to Precious during this movie it's unreal. Midway through the movie when Precocious brings home her first kid she lets her mom hold the kid and what does she do? She through the baby right on the floor. The movie is hard to take in because the reason that Precious is having these kids is because her mom is making her have sex with her boyfriend that way she can stay on welfare and get more money from the government for having another kid. One of the best scenes in the movie is when Precocious stands up for herself and fights back at her mother after she troughs her baby on the ground. It is a braking point in the movie and one that I won't forget. I would say this movie was definitely worth all the awards it was nominated for and the ones it got. I have not read the book but to me if the book is anything like the movie it had to be pretty good. I will go with 4 out of 5 stars and a recommendation to pick up this DVD.Get more detail about Precious.

Buying Couples Retreat

Sadly, I bought this movie because I ASSUMED that Couple's Retreat would be FUNNY. Oh boy was that a bad assumption. Lesson learned $20 later! :( Just because VINCE VAUGHN was funny in Wedding Crashers doesn't mean COUPLES RETREAT is funny, too!

If you walk away with anything from my review then I hope that you take this advice.....ALWAYS read other people's reviews before watching, or worse yet, buying a DVD because more often than not, other people's reviews are pretty much spot on!

My advice: SAVE your money...COUPLES RETREAT is nothing more than a SLEEPING PILL!

Get more detail about Couples Retreat.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Buy Ninja Assassin

STYLE OVER SUBSTANCE! No doubt the reason why this is being so highly rated is because Ninja/Kung Fu movies have die hard fans. They usually can't see anything objectively through their Ninja colored glasses.

Ninja Assasin is a fun popcorn flick (if you can keep your food down?)! There is a choppy story line that is not bad. The acting on the other hand is (for the most part). Rain a Korean Pop Star, plays a deadly Ninja named Raizo. he was abducted as a young child and trained to become a deadly assasin. The "family" kills the only thing he ever loved which sets Raizo on a hellbent course to destroy them. That's it...not really much else.

Now if you don't care for acting and execution, but you love stylized kung fu violence, this movie is for you!

NOW FOR MY BLU RAY THOUGHTS: This movie is probably best suited for full 1080p viewing! It looks great, and sounds awesome too. FINAL THOUGHTS: Wait for it on cable! NINJA FANS: Go get your black suits on and take out your foam nunchucks...BUY!Get more detail about Ninja Assassin.

Purchase The Twilight Saga: New Moon

I purchased New Moon and Avatar, both blue ray. When we received the DVD's we put them into our blue ray playstation 3 to play them. Avatar plays beautifully and we are very happy. New moon on the otherhand won't play at all. We get a message that says it is incorrectly formatted. Is it possible we have been sent the wrong region disc. We are in AustraliaGet more detail about The Twilight Saga: New Moon.

Order Avatar

The video quality and audio are superb, a bit lacking on the additional content that usually comes with these discs.Get more detail about Avatar.

Where To Buy Coco Before Chanel

I wasn't sure if I could hang with subtitles -- In fact, I panicked thinking that there was no way I was going to enjoy this movie. I have to say that by the end, I loved it -- I'm glad I didn't turn it off!Get more detail about Coco Before Chanel.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Shop For Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

We really enjoyed this movie it was very funny and My son liked it too I haven't watched the other movie yet but will watch very soon it was good. thanks so much.Get more detail about Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel.

Fantastic Mr. Fox

I watched a DVD rental of this movie three evenings in a row and enjoyed the show immensely each time. What a charming production. I strongly recommend this movie to adults.Get more detail about Fantastic Mr. Fox.

From Pole to Pole [HD] Review

I loved it, seen lots of, mainly birds, I've never seen before. Wished it was longer, but glad it was free(back then).Get more detail about From Pole to Pole [HD].

2012 Top Quality

This movie was apparently only made for the special effects. I love John Cusak, and Amanda Peet. However, this was not a good movie. The effects were great, but so unbelievable that most of it was ridiculous. I don't recommend it. I would watch "Day After Tomorrow" instead. It's much better and a little more realiztic.Get more detail about 2012.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Hurt Locker This instant

I'm an Iraq veteran. This film offers real insight into my experience. Ignore the fact that these guys are EOD and whether or not EOD has been realistically portrayed. Feel what the characters are feeling. Look at the setting. See the interactions between the local nationals and the soldiers. Feel the FOB-Red Zone-FOB transition. This isn't a documentary, so correctness of every item used isn't important. The characters do undertake actions that seem insane, but so did we. The vignettes may seem artificially strung together, but they don't feel that way to me. They are as strung together as the events of a tour in Iraq. The screenplay focuses on the most salient moments; the rest would just be filler. The filler doesn't matter. My mind flexed blank on legions of filler moments, leaving me with a series of hyper-real events burned into my psyche. Watch, and don't worry about whether it all makes sense together. It doesn't. For any of us. That's why we're damaged--maybe forever.

Get more detail about The Hurt Locker.

Iron Man Immediately

Not a bad film overall. The action is pretty consistant throughout. Although Iron Man finding his inner self through adversity was a little corney. The fact that such a brilliant persona counldn't see what was going on under his very nose was probably the crucial element for me. It appeared to mimic what really does go on for some of these people in the real world. So wrapped up in either their work or themselves they can't see the forest for the trees.

Overall, acting reasonable, reflection on truth, very close. A good action flick.Get more detail about Iron Man.

Over There Best Quality

This is the second to the last episode of the season and I must say that this show has done a bang up job all year long. Out of a lot of drek, this is a big, big winner as a tv series. Appropriately enough, we find ourselves in the alternate universe. Olivia and Walter have been forced to go there as their own world faces possible extinction. Peter has already returned there and is reconnecting with his own original family, a version of Walter and his late wife. The Walter over in this alternate universe makes your skin crawl. He has obviously taken a power trip route which our Walter did not. I am sure Peter will not bond with this Walter although he clearly expects that to happen with his "real father". The actor playing both Walters does his usual bang up job. I can hardly wait for the conclusion this week.Get more detail about Over There.

The Men Who Stare at Goats Get it now!

Just read the title for my review. That pretty much sums it up. I don't even think this movie was in the theaters for long. They showed this movie as being funny. I barely cracked a smile while watching it.Get more detail about The Men Who Stare at Goats.

The Lovely Bones Buy Now

If you read the book and enjoyed it, do not watch this movie--it is soooo awful. The scenes where Susie is watching on are so cheesy--it's really painful to watch. EEK! The only reason I gave it 1 star is because I can't give it .5 or O.Get more detail about The Lovely Bones.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pirate Radio Order Now

When I saw this in the theatre, I kind of enjoyed it. I went to Canada to see it, thinking I wouldn't be subjected
to terrible US previews and ads, but if anything, they were worse, and even longer, and it was $11.00CDN. Not a good
time. I'd gone hoping to love the movie(despite many negative reviews of the earlier released UK version, "The Boat
That Rocked". Unfortunately, I didn't love it. I found it hard to even like it, and now, after watching my UK Region
2 DVD, my disappointment in this movie is slipping inexorably towards downright loathing.
The humor makes me think that the film needn't have been retitled, except to add "National Lampoon's" before the title:
it's that sort of sophomoric humor.
It's really a shame, because there's a great nucleus of a cast here: Bill Nighy, Kenneth Branagh, Rhys Ifans, Philip
Seymour Hoffman, and Nick Frost, but when the script basically stinks, what's a cast to do?(Not that I don't like low-
brow humor- I own multiple versions of all the View Askew films, and both Zoolander & Bubble Boy are among my guilty
pleasures, and South Park Studios has a shortcut on my desktop). I've been a Nick Frost fan since I caught "Spaced"
and "Black Books" in the UK, and possibly Frost's cohort Simon Pegg could have added something here. I actually didn't
think of Pegg when I saw this in the theatre, but watching the DVD, Pegg might possibly have added to this film. Bill
Nighy has been one of my faves since Still Crazy, and ditto Kenneth Branagh since Dead Again, but I was actually
embarrassed for them both.
After I first saw "Pirate Radio", I gave it 3 stars. Now, after watching the UK DVD of it, it's sinking slowly in the
West, maybe 2.5.
I'd mercifully forgotten Jack Davenport's Twatt character, but when he was introduced to Ms Clitt(called Miss C in the
credits) that was all she wrote.
That's not the type of humor I'd expect from Richard Curtis, it's more in Mike Myers' "let's hit the viewer over the head
to make sure they get how funny we are" vein.
I couldn't fault the soundtrack: late 60's rock is the soundtrack of my life, but in the case of this film, it may already
be time for a remake.Get more detail about Pirate Radio.

I See You Decide Now

The baddest guy in town is the one who plots and plans the best and it turns out that Walt's current meth employer may just be that guy. As we are nearing the end of this season, it is he who is rapidly outflanking just about everyone. Meanwhile, Walt is in chaos as Hank lies in critical condition in the hospital. As usual, he is pulled in all directions at once and can barely keep his nose above the water line. There is a great scene in the hospital where one of these terminator types recognizes Walt and, in a state of instant hatred, crawls on his stumps to try and reach Walt at the hospital door, making big blood patches with each motion forward. This scares Walt to death. Just terrific stuff.Get more detail about I See You.

Tooth Fairy Right now

Though plagued with bad acting (but it's okay, since it's a kid movie right?), certain parts of this movie have merits. However, toward the end, logic goes completely out the window with the scene where he talks to the fairy godmother and what she does to him. That scene completely make the movie up to that moment pointless.Get more detail about Tooth Fairy.

Lowest Price Up in the Air

I get the movie but I don't get the gushing critical praise and the slew of award nominations. It's a good movie. It's nice to see a studio film that feels small-- basically a three character play only with big scenery. I guess what resonated with critics and the film peers who nominate awards contenders is the idea that American society is encouraging us to pull away from each other-- that human isolation is becoming the norm. Maybe that's because movie critics and showbiz insiders get to fly around a lot and are constantly uprooted-- maybe blissfully so. They may look at me as I go to the same workplace day after day then come back to my little home in the suburbs and consider it the ideal of social stability and support. But golly, they sure don't opt for it, even though they can. On the other hand, the rest of us can't try their lifestyles even though we may dream. This movie might represent those people as they look at my grass like its greener. They want us to experience their solitary pain. This movie just doesn't emotionally touch the same nerve for me that it does for them.

Not that I don't buy into the film's thesis as I look at my city sprawling away from the notion of community. There does seem to be more disconnection and isolation than ever before. Right now, I am nose-down in a computer when I could be lunching with friends, or taking a daylight walk and interacting with neighbors who are doing the same. However, this movie almost made being anti-social seem like an elegant, viable life-choice. You wouldn't want to give up your Ritz-Carlton VIP card just for having a few relationships, would you? If I had one, I'm not sure I would.
Get more detail about Up in the Air.

Low Price Baggage

House had an outpatient therapy session this week since he was in crisis mode. By having him be in therapy and solving a case simultaneously, this put Hugh Laurie at the center of the action at all times. It is hard to think of a time he was not on camera. And that is the secret to this show. When this is done, the show is a brilliant 5 stars. When the focus is shifted to anyone else, it starts losing ground. Those characters are only interesting as they revolve around House. For example, Wilson and Sam want House to move out to his own place. This is what throws House into crisis mode. So Wilson was used but Wilson was not central to the show. Ditto as to everyone else. The character I enjoyed the next most was House's psychiatrist. I think he should be brought back more frequently as his repartee with House is quite good, much better than anyone else's. I am heartily thankful I only had to hear one remark about Taub's legendary but implausible love life.Get more detail about Baggage.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Save Swan Song

I've watched this episode four times already!!! Great writing and creativity. The entire episode pays homage to the loving and loyal relationship between Sam and Dean. These guys are awesome, and have surprised the world with their talent, and so have the writers!!!!

Bravo!!!Get more detail about Swan Song.

Discount Did You Hear About the Morgans?

Did You Hear About the Morgans?

The first thing that you should do after witnessing a murder is contact your plastic surgeon, so that they can alter your face, bleach your skin and surgically elongate your legs. Unfortunately, the separated couple in this rom-com decided to go to the authorities instead.

While on a reconciliation date, Paul and Meryl Morgan (Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker) bare witness to a homicide. Forced into witness-protection, they must flee NYC and hideout in Wyoming. Under the protection of local law enforcement (Sam Elliott and Mary Steenburgen), the Morgans must adapt to rural life, which, in turn, helps rekindle their relationship.

More a fish-out-of-water tale than a murder mystery, the killer chasing the Morgans is merely there to move along the romantic plot line, which is predictable and pedestrian.

Besides, when hiding out from a murderer, it is best to do so in plain sight...while wearing a fatsuit. (Yellow Light)Get more detail about Did You Hear About the Morgans?.

Cheapest Daybreakers

I love this movie, I couldn't leave my tv. The concept of the story is original and creative. It's one of those movies that leave you wondering after the ending and hope for a sequel. The cast is perfect, I haven't seen Willem Dafoe or Ethan Hawke for awhile, and they chose to play these roles...perfect and fresh!!! I wish they make more movies like this, scary, twisted and surprising, and about surviving crisis (like 28 days).Get more detail about Daybreakers.

Cheap Sherlock Holmes (2010)

I've been a big Sherlock Holmes fan since I was in junior high (I'm 38 now). I love the original stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the most famous movie adaptations featuring Basil Rathbone and, more recently, Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes. I was skeptical that this movie would be in the same league as those portrayals of Holmes. My concerns were well founded. The writers decided to give Holmes an edgier persona, probably to appeal to a younger viewing audience. Sherlock Holmes is portrayed as sloppy looking, cocky, and rude. At times he actually comes across as an idiot. Sherlock Holmes did not possess these qualities. He was meticulous, confident (yes), but dignified and always a gentleman. And he never came across as an idiot. In addition the film is excessively packed with over the top action scenes and hand to hand combat (they even have Holmes compete in an ultimate fighting style cage match). I realize that this stuff is popular today, but I was hoping for just a good suspenseful mystery. That's what Sherlock Holmes was all about. The story line itself is really weak and filled with supernatural elements. The actor portraying Dr. Watson didn't do a bad job, and Rachel McAdams was decent as Irene Adler. But this was hardly enough to offset the weak story and, more importantly, the horrible portrayal of Sherlock
Holmes. If you're a fan of the "traditional" Sherlock Holmes, I think you will be very disappointed with this film.Get more detail about Sherlock Holmes (2010).

Buying Edge of Darkness

at times it was hard to understand what was going on and why. but over all a good movie.Get more detail about Edge of Darkness.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Buy Crazy Heart

Bad Blake (Jeff Bridges) is a sick, old, bum of a country singer whose better days are long gone. Reduced to one-nighters in bowling alleys, he stumbles through his shows in a drunken haze, but still knows how to please the groupies. On one stopover, he meets Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a young reporter and single mother. Though she's been sorely disappointed by men before, the two begin an unlikely love affair.

I was prepared to dislike this movie because I don't like has-been slacker characters. Bridges' Bad Blake is indeed an aimless loser, but it's impossible not to see his underlying humanity and vulnerability and I liked and cared about him. Bridges is completely believable as a singer and musician, looking and sounding very much like Kris Kristopherson on a bad day; he performs effortlessly and with the assurance of a pro. He is ably supported by the wonderful Ms Gyllenhaal who plays a sadder but wiser young woman and the always great Robert Duvall in a small but meaty role.

This movie is ultimately about redemption and would make good viewing at an AA meeting. The stellar cast and fine script make for a rewarding viewing experience.Get more detail about Crazy Heart.

Purchase Leap Year

(Spoiler) I rented this from bc i normally agree with reviewers here. Not this time...This was a common and terribly written seen it a hundred times attempt at a love story. I am a sucker for those love stories where you know the couple will probably get together at the end. But, it has to be written in such a way where you actually care. I could have just as easily seen this couple ending up being friends and the woman ending up with her original boyfriend. It really absolutley made no difference. And it really wasnt the actors they did fine with the material that they had there was just no substance. Nothing to make you want the couple together or the other couple apart. The only good thing were the beautiful scenes of Ireland.Get more detail about Leap Year.

Order The Blind Side

My wife & I really enjoyed Blind Side. It felt good -- like the good guys won! It has a good lesson for all of us.Get more detail about The Blind Side.

Where To Buy Avatar

The video quality and audio are superb, a bit lacking on the additional content that usually comes with these discs.Get more detail about Avatar.

Shop For It's Complicated

"It's Complicated '; is a gut buster of a film. I laughed so hard it brought tears to my eyes. My husband laughed and he thought it was the funniest film since "The Jerk". We both thought this one is a keeper because it puts people our age in situations that can we could relate to. It is not meant to be thought provoking only entertainment. You dealing with a single, divorce Mom with adult children getting married. This bring her in contact with her ex-husband and let the games begin folks. Have fun watch this hilarious film.Get more detail about It's Complicated.

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